I shrugged my shoulder.
“I’ll tell you why. Can I speak freely without any repercussions?”
I waved my hand out for her to continue speaking.
“You’re kind of scary, Diesel. You present this golden manual as law and then tell them that they can negotiate it. The whole time, in their mind, they are thinking,why would I negotiate with this fine ass rich ass man.I’ll do whatever he wants me to do.Who wants to negotiate with that, well, who would negotiate that? They probably also think that if they try to negotiate the manual, you will change your mind.”
I picked up my drink and took a swig. “So…” I sat my drink down, turning my body toward her. “What made you negotiate what you wanted?”
“See. When you move like that… It’s scary.” She chuckled. “Like, you’re almost daring me to continue talking to you this way.”
“Because I’m giving you my undivided attention?”
“And then you frame things in such a way that just makes me seem like I’m crazy.”
“What do you mean? Explain it to me like I’m seven years old. You’re a teacher.”
She rolled her eyes.
“I will take them out if you roll them again.”
“Anyways, okay… Let’s see how I can explain it. So, you just asked me a question, and then you set your drink down and turned your body toward me, and it made me nervous. I can hardly talk when you’re looking at me the way you’re looking at me now. It’s so unnerving. And then your voice…” She paused when I shifted in the seat.
“What about my voice, Ms. Greysen?”
She tried to hide her smile by rubbing her lips together. Her cheeks told me everything I needed to know.
“Your voice is so… captivating. It’s so warm and inviting, sexy, and scary all at the same time. The way it’s so commanding, even in your lowest octave. Even when you’re angry with me, I can’t tell. Like when we were in the restaurant… and I threw the drink in your face… and you know…”
“No, I don’t. Tell me.”
“Oh my gosh,” she whispered. “When you spanked me, Diesel. You knew what I was talking about.”
I raised my eyebrows in response.
“See. You’re getting me off track. Stop it, please, but your voice when you were spanking me is the same as when you’re talking to me now, intimidating. So, if I am the way I am now and I talk in front of people for a career, there ain’t no telling how the other women feel when they are sitting across from you for the first time. So, it would be hard to negotiate anything in the manual.” She shifted in her seat.
“I see. Going forward, I will change my approach when asking to negotiate the manual. I will try not to be so…scary,as you put it.”
Her face changed.
She started eating. While eating, I watched her lips as they closed around the fork. They were so fucking beautiful, and my mind immediately went to last night and how she’d wrapped them around my dick. I couldn’t believe how fast she’d learned to deep throat my dick. It was hard to contain myself when her lips touched the base of my shaft. The cameras captured every single emotion on my face, especially when she gagged on my dick. Shit. I wished I could bring it up, but I was such an asshole to her afterwards, so I would like a sprung simp if I brought it up. I needed to talk about something before my dick took over and we ended up not making it through dinner.
“Can I—”
“Just ask, Grey.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot. How long have you been a member of that club?”
“Many years.”
“Oh. Is that a place where you can just stop in and join, or…”