I snatched up my shirt and put it on, trying not to look at him.

“Do you hear me talking to you?”

I glared at him. “Yes, I hear you talking to me. And no, I don’t have anything on my mind.”

“You sure?”

“Yep.” I made sure to pop my lips with an attitude.

He squinted at me. “Okay then. You don’t have time to eat breakfast.”

“I’ll just grab a banana on the way out.”

After slipping on my shoes, I walked across the room and grabbed my tote off my desk.

“Throughout the day, I will be telling you to squeeze, and you will squeeze to my satisfaction.”

I slipped my purse over my head. “And if I don’t squeeze to your satisfaction?”

He stood. “Then you don’t squeeze to my satisfaction.” He looked down at his hand, rubbing the jelly in on his fingers. “Nothing a little correction won’t help, I believe.”

I rolled my eyes. “Of course.”

He rubbed his hands together. “You working on being late for your first class, Ms. Greysen. Keep it up.”


“Don’t be sorry, be careful.”

I gave him a tight smile before looking around the room, making sure I had everything. He followed me out into the hallway.

“Did you journal this morning?”


“Why not?”

“Didn’t have anything to write about.”

“Oh, you didn’t?”

He sounded surprised, which confused me for a second, but then I realized why he asked. I’d sucked his dick to the best of my ability and then he was a complete ass to me afterwards. I hoped he thought the reason I said that was because his dick was nothing to write about, which was a complete lie, but I hoped he thought it. Maybe it would knock his ass down a peg or two.


“Hm. Well, you know that is not optional, right?”


He chuckled. “Did you work out this morning?”


“And why not?”

“Didn’t have time.”

“That is also not optional.”