I stopped and turned around. He stopped, pressing his body against mine. I stared up at him.

“Diesel, I know that you are trying to piss me off, so you can spank me, but I am not going to take the bait. I am going to hold up my end of the deal. Have a good day.”

I flashed him a smile before turning and walking away.

* * *

Walking in the classroom,I scanned the row of seats looking for an empty one. I guess everyone was just as eager as me because class started in ten minutes. Surprisingly, the class was mostly women, but the last seat was between two men in the center of the class. I hated that because it was in the direct eye view of the teacher, which would make me the culprit to be always called on.

“Damn, you smell good. What do you have on?” the boy to my right said as soon as I sat down.

I looked at him and smiled. “Um, YSL. I don’t know which one.”

There were so many bottles of perfumes to choose from and I loved them all. I hated that I loved them all because I couldn’t help but to wonder if these were smells that he actually picked out for his women or if Mona picked them out.

“Oh. That’s what’s up. I’m going to have to get some of that for my girl.”


I was thankful that he wasn’t trying to spit game at me because it probably would have made the Summer semester even longer after turning him down. Everybody’s head went to the door when it came open. My eyes nearly popped out of my head when the man walked through the door. It was the man that was half naked on stage at Chokers, spanking a woman for disobeying him. A little more than forty-eight hours ago, he was walking a woman on a leash and now he’s in front of the class, dressed to perfection but much like Diesel, he gave off arrogant vibes. I was thankful that me and Diesel were in the little room thing, so he wouldn’t be able to recognize me. He looked shocked when he eyed the full classroom.

“Whoa. Good morning class. Didn’t know people were this eager to take a summer class.”

The class let out a collective chuckle. He picked up the marker and wrote his name.


He turned around, scanning the classroom. When his eyes landed on mine, he paused for a couple seconds before continuing to scan the class.

No way.

There was no way he would have recognized me from the club. It was dark and plus we stayed in the room the whole time once we got there. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to text Diesel, to see that he was in the process of texting me because the dots were on the screen.

Sir:You okay?


Sir:Your HR is spiking.

Me:U sit around & watch my HR all day? Does this turn you on or something? Is that a kink?

The dots appeared on the screen and then disappeared.


I looked up to see Jeff taking a bunch of packets out of his bag.

“This is your syllabus, and we are going to follow it pretty much to the letter since the summer classes are not as long as a normal semester.”

My phone vibrated.

Sir:You are having yourself one disobedient morning. You might be ready for the room after all.

I clenched my muscles a little.

Me:Done. Happy?

Sir:No. You clenched my fingers tighter than that. That’s one. Keep count.