The Next Morning…

I took a sip of my mimosa, staring at Elle, who had the craziest look on her face. We’d met for brunch in the next city. I was too excited to tell her about my strange night. When I’d finally pulled myself from my door, I went to my room to shower. After showering, and getting in bed, I picked up my phone to text him. When I’d scrolled to the D’s, I was slightly disappointed to not see his name. Laughing at myself, I said that’s what I get for being too damn thirsty. When Elle texted me this morning asking about brunch, I nearly dislocated my finger trying to respond to her. She’d called to make sure because she didn’t know if it was me really responding and that quickly.

“Elle, if you’re going to hold your mouth open, please say something.”

She blinked a couple times before shaking her head and picking up her Peach Bellini.

“One; why the fuck didn’t you call me? Since Kyle was so touchy, feely last night, we could have gotten it fucking popping. I’m due for a night in lock-up. It’s been a while.”

I chuckled, nearly choking on my drink. “Elle, no. I kind of just wanted to be alone. It’s no big deal. Can’t call you for all my battles.”

“Yes. You can. You know that. Not only can I not believe that Kyle was on some bullshit, trying to jack you up in public, I cannot believe that you let a total stranger walk you to where you sleep while telling him all of your damn business. And he gave you his number and you didn’t text him? The way you described him; I would have been texting him on the way to the door. Or I would have told him that I needed to walk him back down the road, sohewouldn’t get attacked. I would have made up anything.”

I laughed. I didn’t want to talk about him not really putting his number in my phone, but I’d been talking so damn much, that I didn’t realize that I’d told her that he’d asked for my phone. It would have saved me some embarrassment from when I told her that he didn’t put his number in my phone for real.

“Yeah, but—”

“No buts. Let me see your phone. I’ll text him for you.”

“No, girl. It hasn’t even been twelve hours yet. I don’t want to seem clingy or crazy.”

Her eyes darted from side to side. “If he still put his number in your phone after you told him you’d planned to walk in the ocean, I think it’s safe to say that he already thinks you are crazy.”

I ignored her by stuffing a piece of waffle in my mouth.

She cleaned her hands. “Let me see your phone.”


“I said I will text him for you. I’ll text him and say something along the lines oflet me slither my pussy up and down your face slowly like a slug.”

I choked. After chugging half my glass of water, I was back to normal.


She shrugged her shoulders. “I’m just saying. Okay, I won’t say that. I’ll just thank him for listening to your rants. Promise.”

I sighed. “He didn’t put his number in my phone.”

Her eyebrows went together. “You said…”

“I know what I said, Elle. It’s just that… last night, I was going to be thirsty and text him, but his number wasn’t in my phone.”

“Huh? Did you look everywhere? Let me see, for real. You know these iPhones are tricky as hell.”

The shame was already out, so I handed her my phone. She sipped her drink while scrolling on my phone. She muttered his name to herself while continuing to scroll. I’d hoped that in my thirstiness, I just overlooked it. When she nodded her head, I was a little saddened, but it was cool. Probably didn’t need to talk to him anyway.

“I don’t see it. Ooh. Hold on, let me see something else. What’s a New York area code? You said it was Quinci’s husband’s brother, right?”

I nodded my head. She started tapping on her phone.

“Okay, let’s see.”

“What are you doing?”

“Typing in… eek!” she squealed before leaning in, pushing my phone in the middle of the table.

Looking at my phone, there his contact was… saved in my phone asSir.