“Sir, huh?” Elle eyed me.
My cheeks started to burn.
“I only called him Sir because I hadn’t known his name. Wow. I…”
Before I could grab my phone, Elle snatched it back up.
“Oh, gosh. Please tell me what you’re going to say. Please. Please. Please.”
She grinned at the screen before tapping on the screen. When she slid my phone toward me, I was scared to look, but it wasn’t bad.
Hey, Sir. Thank you for making sure I made it home safe, and that no bad guys jumped out and grabbed me.
“Oh my God, Elle. That was so corny.”
“Because you are corny, Greysen. If I had texted,I wanna fuck, he would have definitely known it wasn’t you… or, he would have known that someone put you up to it. So, that sounds like you. I knocked and opened the door; you just have to walk through it.”
“How do you know that he even wants—”
“He’s a man. They always want something. Just have fun. You’re twenty-six. Even though you been single for years, you hadn’t really been single single since what… nineteen, twenty, something like that. Just have fun.”
Just have fun.
I think I could do that.
Sunday Morning.
A few taps on my shoulder made me wake up. Donovan stood next to the bed in his PJs with a worried look on his face.
“Uncle Diesel, are you awake?” he whispered.
“Yeah. What’s wrong?”
“I made a mistake. You have to help me. I can’t wake up Pretty Quinci and Uncle Dymon because I’ll get in trouble.”
“This mistake wouldn’t have anything to do with you watching that scary movie after they told you to go to bed, is it?”
He looked down at the floor and then back up at me with water in his eyes.
“I told them I was a big boy.”
“You are a big boy. Did you get yourself cleaned up?”
He nodded his head.
Throwing the covers back, I threw my legs over the bed, sitting up. The clock on the wall read 6:30AM.
“Uncle Diesel, we have to hurry because Pretty Quinci get up when the sun is already out, and it’s a little bit out now.”
“Alright. Hand me my pants off the chair.”
When I was dressed, I picked him up and walked to his room. When Dymon had this house built, he had a room built specifically for him. On the weekends, he slept over here to give his parents a break, and to help Quinci with the baby. He was the coolest child and could hold a conversation with you like you were an adult.