Page 109 of Captivated By Danger

“How are you so strong? Do you, like, know how much I weigh?”

“I bench press twice your weight. Are you going to shower?” I asked her when I sat her on her bed.

“No. I don’t think I will. At least not right now.” She laid down. “I am really having an out of body experience right now, like I can’t feel anything.”

“Good. Goodnight, Ms. Greysen.”

“Oh, what are you about to do?” she asked sleepily.

“I am about to finish eating and then get ready for bed.”

“Oh, okay. Goodnight, Diesel.”

I lowered her lights before leaving her room. That girl had some good mothafuckin’ pussy between her legs and she didn’t even know it. As soon as I sat down, my phone started ringing.


I grabbed my phone from my pocket and it was the front desk.

“Yeah,” I answered.

“Mr. Danger, I am so sorry to bother you at this hour, but we caught Rachel trying to sneak in here. We are holding her in the security office. Would you like to come speak to her? We’ve already called the cops.”

“I’m on my way down.”


I took off my vest and threw my jacket on, making myself look presentable before heading to the elevator. I couldn’t believe that I’d been completely wrong about her. She wasn’t going to stop until I made it possible that she stayed in jail for a long ass time. I spoke to a few of the workers as I made my way toward the security office. When I opened the door, they had one of Rachel’s hands cuffed to the table. She was dressed in a trench coat, with a bucket hat pulled down on her head, in New York, in the middle of April. How she didn’t think she’d get caught was beyond me. I nodded my head toward the security guards, telling them to leave the room. I didn’t start speaking until they were out of the room.

“Rachel, what the fuck is wrong with you?”

“Diesel, I swear I was going to leave you alone after the restraining order, but…” she reached into her jacket and pulled out a white envelope and pushed it across the table.

“What’s that?”

“Open it and see, please.”

“No.” I walked over and leaned on the table. “This is your final warning, Rachel. If I see you again, I’m going to make your life worse than you already think it is. All it takes is one phone call and you’ll be committed to the psych ward for the next several years of your life.”

She leaned forward and inhaled. “There is someone else already?”

The door opened and the security guard came in with the police behind him.

“Remember what I said Rachel.” I whispered before heading to the door.

“Mr. Danger, what do you want us to do?” one of the cops asked.

“Diesel. Wait!” She tried to stand up, but the cuffs stopped her. “I’m pregnant.”


“It’s yours,” she spit out.

I turned and looked at her.

“I swear. I hadn’t been with anyone else. I promise. Just look.”

She pushed the envelope toward me some more. Humoring her, I walked over to the table and picked up the envelope. Inside was a couple copies of an ultrasound and a card for a next appointment. The ultrasound had her name at the top and did look real, but I wasn’t going to even give her the benefit of the doubt by seeing if it was authentic.