Page 110 of Captivated By Danger

“Jokes on you, Rachel…” I stuffed the copies back in the envelope. “I’m sterile. You think you’re the only girl to have tried and put a baby on me.”

A look of shock appeared on her face. “That can’t be true. I haven’t been with anyone else. I’m nine weeks, Diesel.”

“I don’t know what to tell you, Rachel. It’s not mine. Goodnight.” I turned and looked at the cops. “Let her cool off for the weekend. Maybe a reset in jail will help her out,” I told the cops and left the room.

Like I told Rachel, she wasn’t the first and she wouldn’t be the last to try and pin a baby on me. It didn’t happen often, but I thought it was cute when they tried. There was one or two that flat out lied about being pregnant, and there were a few that got pregnant afterwards and tried to pin it on me. It was all cute when they did it and I loved when their faces would change when I would tell them that I was sterile. That wasn’t totally a lie. Well, I had live sperm, but not much. The doctors told me it would take a lot of prayer and a miracle for me to have a child naturally. I’m not saying it would never happen because God had been doing hilarious things in my life, but I was sure that He would not waste a miracle on giving that looney bin a child, my child, no less. My fertility, or lack thereof, was something that I’d kept to myself. Not even my father knew about it, and I was closer to him.

Back upstairs, I’d walked in the dining room to see Greysen sitting at the table finishing her food. She looked up at me and smiled. She’d wrapped a robe around her.

“Hi. You okay? Did you leave?”

“Yes, I stepped away and I’m fine.”

She raised her eyebrows. “I can take my plate in the room if you don’t want any company. My body finally calmed down and made me realize that I was still hungry.”

“It’s fine, Grey.”

“Okay, I won’t say anything else.”

Since we were sitting in silence, and she could clearly tell something was wrong with me, I had an overwhelming urge to talk to her about it, but that would be doing something I’d never done, and I didn’t intend on starting now. True to her word, she kept quiet, and when she was done eating, she stood and kissed the top of my head.

“Night, again, Diesel.”

Stunned, I responded by nodding my head again. She was so fucking soft-hearted when she didn’t have to be, especially toward me. Not even a week in and I felt like I was going to have a hard time breaking Greysen, but it would happen. There was still time. If not, her ass would end up breaking me, and I couldn’t have that.




When I woke up my body was so sore from my nose down. It was like a combination of working out and Diesel fucking me like it was going out of style, making me squirt and shit, hit my body all at fucking once. I didn’t want to get out the bed, but I knew I had to. One, because I was hungry and two, I had a stretching session at the gym, which I badly needed. I pushed the covers back and slowly threw my legs over the bed, sitting up. When I stretched, I hissed from the pain of my muscles.

Standing, I drug my body to the bathroom and turned on the shower before going back over to the sink and brushing my teeth and washing my face. When the shower was steamy, I stepped in the shower and let the water run all over my body, including my head, letting my thoughts of Diesel take over. Thursday started off terrible with the nipple clamps and shit, and then finishing our day with him fucking me on the table, I thought we were turning a small corner until he stayed away from me all day yesterday. Well, I was playing hard to get and didn’t text him, and he didn’t text me either. I didn’t even know when he got home. I could have gone and found him like I did the other night and sucked his dick, but I was never embarrassing myself that way again.

When I got out the shower, I oiled my body down and wrapped a towel around myself and walked out in the bedroom to air dry. Every time I stepped in my bedroom, I halfway hoped that Diesel would be waiting for me again with a different gadget. That man was so nasty and perverted and I loved everything about it. While I airdried, I decided that I’d sit at my desk and journal. Luckily, this journal wasn’t something he read because I hadn’t written in it in days. When I opened it, my eyes widened at the polaroid photo taped to the page. In the picture, I was on my knees with his dick deep in my mouth, a long line of saliva hanging from my mouth and chin. He had a grip on my head and his face was scrunched up like he was struggling to keep it together.

#Reassurancewas written under the picture along with his signature. I couldn’t wait until I seen him because his ass said that he wasn’t going to read it. Maybe he wanted to get my real feelings about him clamping my damn nipples, but I hadn’t written about it yet because the truth was, I didn’t know how I felt about it. Although it hurt, I trusted him when he told me that it could feel good because so far, everything else he’d done to me felt amazing. He was rough and careful with me at the same time, and I hated myself for loving it. After staring at the picture for a few more moments, I turned the page and started writing.

Day 6/42

Six days in and my feelings are all over the place. I don’t even know where to begin, honestly. That man treated me like a slut he hated the other night and had me squirting like a grass waterer, and he didn’t stop. Well, I didn’t want him to stop, but damn. Dangerous men like him should come with a freaking warning label. Taking Elle’s advice, I put myself out and I thought he didn’t like it because he treated me crazy after it happened, but today I find a picture of me on my knees to him in here. See, that’s the confusing shit that bothers me. Every time we have a good moment, he completely switches up. I know this thing is supposed to be about me, but I can’t help but to think that his parents are the reason he has a warped view of marriage. If I was his wife, I’d probably be losing my damn mind, knowing that every time he leaves through the doors, it’s a good chance he could be fucking another woman. That would hurt my feelings, to be honest, and then the way he fucks… hell to the fucking no. I would not want another woman sitting around grinning with other women talking about how my man made her squirt. I don’t know. Might end up a little homicidal. No amount of money could make up for that, and that’s probably what his mom goes through. Poor woman. Saying all of that and he had me basically telling him that I’d be his mistress as he made me squirt. I’m terrible. I’ve been Diesel’d. I’m now in his cult. At least I have thirty or so more days to enjoy it. Or I should probably get out while I still can. Oh, school started and I had a great first day, even though I’ve seen my first professor naked. I still hadn’t brought it up to Diesel. I probably won’t unless he brings it up first. Either way, let me go stretch because I’m going to an event tonight.

Once I was done journaling, I put on a black sleeveless yoga unitard that stopped mid-thigh. The workout clothes being and making me feel sexy made it easier to get up and go. After tying up my shoes, I grabbed my phone and keycard and left the room. When I walked in the kitchen, I saw the chef plating breakfast.

“Good morning, Chef. I didn’t know you work on weekends.”

She smiled and nodded her head. “You look pretty.”

“Oh, I’m just about to go do a stretch session. Thank God, I don’t have to do much because my body is sore.”

Chef Nita was a sweet older lady. Over the last couple of days, we’d gotten to know each other a little more, since she came two or three times a day. She’d been working for Diesel for many years, and her son comes with her sometimes. I wanted to ask her about Diesel’s other women, but I knew we were nowhere near close enough for her to speak about her boss’ business.

“He’s here?” I whispered when I noticed she was getting ready to fix another plate.

She nodded her head.
