Page 97 of Tempted By Danger

A man approached him. “Mr. Danger, can I have a moment of your time?”

I took that as a chance to slip away from him.

Outside, Derekwas waiting, waving me over to him.Wherewe were standing, I could see the door of the room. People were filing out of the room.

“Hey. How are you?”

“I’m good. You?”

“I’m straight.”

Dymon walked out of theroom,giving us a double take before walking over to us.

“Quinci, get upstairs. We got work to do and people to call…” He looked at Derek. “I know you have work to do also.”

“Okay, giveusa second.”

He looked taken aback before his lips curved into asmall smilewhile nodding his head.


I watched him walk away slowly. My heart started to pump a little faster because I knew he was upset.I was trying to pretend that I wasn’t moved by him, but I was.

“Um,how is everything going with him?”

Darting my eyes past him, I saw Dymon standing in front of the elevator with his hands in his pocket, jaws clenched.

“It’s going okay, I guess. I can’t complain. I’ve already learned to ignore him a lot.”

Derek eyed me suspiciously.“Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

“Well, I don’t want to get you in trouble. I’ll talk to you later.”


Five minutes later, I was upstairs, walking down the short hall to my desk. Looking ahead, Dymon wasn’t sitting in his seat. My eyes widened at the boxesthat were on my desk. Islippedmy tote off my shoulder slowly while continuing to stare at the boxes. The first box was circular. Sliding the top off, my lip poked out when I saw the orange flowers in the box with a card on top of it.Picking up the card, I took a long sniff of the flowers. The scent was citrusy and reminded me of the grove,making tears spring into my eyes.Popping open the card, another black credit card-shaped envelope flipped out onto the floor. Ignoring it, I read the words typed in the card.


Hope this makes you feel better.


I didn’t haveto guess who ‘MD’ was; I knew it stood for, Mr. Dymon. I smelled the flowers again before leaning over, picking up the credit card that fellon the floor. When I picked it up and opened it, my eyes nearly popped out my head.It was a black and gold card with the words American Express written across the top. It looked freshly-printed too. The card read my name…my full name, including the name that he’d given me.

Quinci Princess Everly.


When Ilooked intohis office, he was now sitting in his chair, staring at the computer.The second box had the Christian Louboutin brandnameon it. When I opened it,I pulled thedust bag out—snatching the bag. It wasa brand-new tote, very pretty, sleek, black with red satin on the inside.It was sobeautiful,and I was going to switch my bag over as soon asI was done working.

“Wenci! Get in here!”

I jumped up, clutching the card, and walked in his office.

“Close the door,” he commanded. “Have a seat.”