Page 96 of Tempted By Danger

He nodded his head.The elevator doors opened, and Dymon steppedon.

“He rides the elevator…” Tyra stepped on and turned around, standing next to him…closer than Iliked, and jealousy soared through my body.

I hoped that it didn’t show on my face. The smirk on her face,as the doors closed,pissed me offeven more. I stared at the doors for a few seconds beforewalking down the hall, finding the nearest bathroom. Once I was in the bathroom, I set my purse on the sink, digging my brushand hair tie out. As I was brushing my hair into apuff,I reminded myself not toget angry at Dymon, but I couldn’t help it.

The manhad broken me down.I was his. Completely submissive to him,and for him to snarl at the elevator guy, only to let Tyra on the elevator with him, thatangered me.Work wasn’t supposed tochange,and I knew that, but he could have at least made her wait with me.I took a breath when I realized I was doing too much, but I was still going to let him have it.

When I was done with my hair,I left the bathroom. Approaching the elevator,I saw Diesel… or Declan coming toward me. When he didn’t smile at meor wink, I realized it was Declan. Giving him a quick once over, I didn’t notice anything that completely separated him from Diesel. They both were talland muscular. They all kept their hair cut short and facial hair trimmed low.Looking up,the elevatorseemed like itwas taking forever.

“You must be Declan? I’m Quinci.”

“Yes. I’m aware.”

When the doors opened, we both stepped on.We pushedour respective floors, and the doors closed.

“You probably hate this question, but what’s the major difference between you and Diesel? Like, I can’t see anything.”

He looked down at me and shrugged his shoulders. When the doors of the elevator opened,he walked out and looked at me.

“Be careful with my brother. He ruins everything he touches.”

“That’s not true.”

“Specifically, women,” he added as the doors closed.

My mindwent toDymon saying that Declan didn’tbother him as much as he thought he did.Although what he said could be true, I wondered why he would tell me, of all people.Dymon said that Bernard knew, but I wondered if he told his other siblings. I was sure that Diesel knew because the seductive smileshe used to give me completely stopped.Plus, Dymonhad Diesel all but yank me out of the club that night he left early.

When the doors opened on the twenty-fifth floor,I put on a smile and spoke to Kia. She had the phone to her ear, so she waved. Approaching my desk, I saw Tyra in Dymon’s office pacing while he buttoned up his dress shirt.

Did he take hisfucking clothesoff in front of her!?

Noticing me, he did a double take.Instantly, I could tell that he was looping his tie with anattitude,and I didn’t care. They were talking low,so I couldn’t hear anything they were saying, and that irritated me even more.I set my tote in the chair and pulled out both my phones, setting them on the desk. Before I could even set my tote on the floor, my phonevibrated against my desk.

Mr. Dymon: Why am I looking at your ears right now?

Me: Same reason I’m looking at a woman in your office. Same reason you got UNDRESSED in front her.Same reason you let her ride the elevator with you.

Mr. Dymon: You’re angryabout that, Princess? Seriously?

Me: Got work to do.Don’t bother me right now.

I didn’t have much to do, but it was easierto pretend to be working, especially when Tyra walked out of his office, turning her nose up at me.When I looked at him out the corner of my eye, I could see his jaws clenching. It was going to be hard to ignore him, but I was going to try my best.

* * *

It wasthree minutes to one, and I was walkingback into DHQ.I was purposely waiting for the last minute just topissDymon off even more. He still had mefuckedup. I’d been ignoring him on my personal phone. When he would text me on my work phone, he would try to slip something personalin,but I wouldn’t respond toit. He was so mad that I could feel the heat through the phone. He kept asking what the problem was, but if he didn’t know, then I wasn’t going to tell him.

Walking down the hall, I noticed the last person walking in, and I jumped in quickly behind him. When I walked in the room, Dymon’s head was in his phone; I was sure he was texting me. Derek and I locked eyes, and he patted the seat next to him. As I was headed toward the seat, Dymon’s head raised, darting his eyes about the room.

“Quinci, next to me. I need the notes,” Dymon said as soon as I was about to sit in the seat.

I walked around the room andeased in the seat next to him, trying to ignore the confused stare that Derek was giving me. Leaning over,I opened my tote to grab the iPad and both my phones when Dymon put his elbows on the table and covered his mouth, inconspicuously, so he could talk to me.

“You out your fuckin’ mind,” he whispered.

I ignored him. Completely.Throughout the whole meeting,I ignoredevery‘accidental’kneeand armrub, even though it washard,and my body wasrespondingto him, and he knew it too.Every time he changed positions in the seat, I smelled his cologne and masculinescentmixture,andit was suffocating theshitout of me. Every time I cleared my throat, I was trying to geta little more breath in my body. It was hard to take notes, but I got through it. When the meeting was over,I gathered my things as fast as I could so I could get away from him.

“Quinci, we—”