Page 95 of Tempted By Danger

Quinci Everly

The Next Morning

This morning was weird.

When my eyes popped opened, I wasn’t expectingto feel a long, thick tongue running from myclitto the top of my asshole. I was lying on my stomachwhen he started attacking my lower lips. He told me to act like he wasn’t there and to let him eat, and I did. It was so long and deliberate that I thought I was going to shootthrough theheadboard when he finally let me nut. I was so ready tofuckand was very sad when he told me to go back to sleep, however, I fell into an even deeper slumber.

When I woke up,I wasn’t expecting Dymon to still be here, letalone eating breakfast in the kitchen. He’d ordered breakfast for me, which surprised me.We spoke, but that was it. He explained that he had a lot on hismind and didn’t want to talk about it, so I let him sit in silence.We ate, showered, and got dressed, mostly in silence.Every time I looked at him, he was looking at me, and that was the weird part. I knew something was on his mind, and I wished he’d tell me.

“Are you going to work in jeans all day?”

“No,” he responded curtly.

Even though he was being anassholeto me, he was still sexy as hell in his dark blue jeans andwhite T-shirt.

“You got everything?” I asked him while picking up my purse.

He nodded his head.

He was quiet in the elevator all the way down to the garage. When the doors opened, Bernard stood at the backdoor of the car with the door open, and my mouth slipped open.

“He knows,” he mumbled.

My cheeks started to burnimmediately. Now, I felt like that man was going to start judging me. I almost wanted to run to the front and call for an Uber. On top of the embarrassment I felt, Mr. Dymon wasn’t talking to me, and I wished I knew why. Seated in the back of the car, he started scrolling on his phone, completely ignoring me.

I looked at him, tearsfillingmyeyes.“Did I say something wrong, Mr. Dymon? Or, did I do a bad job last night?”

He looked at me and then did a double take.

“Wait. No, no, no, Princess.” He palmed my cheek. “You were perfect last night. Everything was perfect. Seriously, it’s me. Don’t… please, don’t cry.”

“You sure?”

“I swear.”

He pulled me to him and pressed his lips against mine. I’d never enjoyed the taste of mouthwash so much.His nasty ass loved licking me inside my mouth like he was licking on myclit.We were so deep into the kiss that Bernard had to clear his throatwhen he pulledin front of the building.When I sat back, Iavoided Bernard’s glareby looking at my feet.

“Shit.” Dymon sighed.


“Tyra’s ass.”

“Oh.” I perked up.

I hadn’t seen her, but I’d heard her very proper ass voice several times when she’d call,and Dymon would tell meto ignore each one of them.She stood at the top of the steps, pacing, with her phone up to her ear. She had on aform-fitting dress and tall ass high heels, putting my little workpumps to shame.As soon aswe were out of the car, shestomped the stairs, looking him up and down.

“Ugh. Long night? I hope so because I been calling you nonstop.”

“That’s nothing new.”

I followed the pair up the stairs.She was very skilled at walking in tall heels because she fell in stride with him while I was several steps behind. Everyone eyed him as he strolled across the floor in his jeans and a T-shirt. You could tellthat people had never seen him come into work that way. The way Tyra’s hands and head were moving in sync, I could tell that she was talking about something very important while he kept looking ahead.Neither one of them looked back until Ispoke to the elevator guy.

“Hi,Simeon.Youhavinga great morning so far?”

Dymon turned and eyed me, blinking wildly.

“Good morning,Ms. Quinci. Yes…” Dymon turned and lookedat him, making him cower, and he cleared his throat. “Mr. Danger.”