Page 94 of Tempted By Danger

She reached out to me. “Please, Daddy?”

My dick jumped, and she grinned.

“He wants to stay.Please?”

“Alright. Just for a few, Princess.”

Pulling the covers back,I slid in the bed next to her. Igot comfortable on myback,and she turned on her side,laying her head on my chest. She pressed her nose into my chest, inhaling deep.

“You smell like pussy,” she whispered.

“The best smell in the world.”

She made small circles on my stomachwith her fingerwhile I kissed the top of her head every few minutes. This was how niggas ended up in relationships they didn’t even know they were in.I should’ve listened to my father;now I knew this freaky mothafucka could get her pussy smacked and skeet like a broken faucet.How was I supposed to just forget something like that if she decided she didn’t want tofuckwith me no moreafter Denimgaveher thosepapers? How was I supposed toforget what her pretty face looked like covered inmycum?

When I realized she was sleep, I didn’t move rightaway, and I didn’t want to.When she crossed her leg over mine, I knew that she didn’t want me to leave. I knew I just told her yesterday that I didn’t want her to get hurt once this situation was over, but now Iwasn’t so sure if I wouldn’tbe the one getting hurt.