Page 83 of Tempted By Danger

Dymon Danger

It wastime for me to leave, and all I could think about was how I’d successfullygone all day without snatching Quinci in my office or a bathroom andfuckingher.The strength it hadtaken to not do itwassomething that could be recorded in theGuinness Book of World Records.

And her pretty ass did not make itfuckingeasy neither, starting from this morning when I picked her up, and she had on thatsuit that hugged every fuckingcurveshe had to offer.Italso didn’t help that every meeting we stepped into downtown, all eyes were on her pretty ass. Icouldn’t lie. A nigga felt lucky as hell. Niggas had no shame texting me before the meeting was over, asking me for her information.And thenthat nigga, Wayne, knowing that I didn’tfuckwith him, approaching Quinci,had me on edge. There were a few drops of bad blood between us, and there would be more if hefuckedwith Quinci.

When I looked out the door, she had herAirPodsin her ear, bobbing herhead while she typed on the computer. Today wasone of thebusiestdays I’dhad in a while, and she’d handled it like a pro. She’d taken great notes anddid what she was supposed to do when we made it back to the office. Even though we both were at work,I caught myself staring at her, while she was into her computer. I didn’t know how she could be so calm after last night.

When she stood and started clearing her desk, I closed my bag, so I could get downstairs first.

When I walked out my office, she looked up at me, giving me a slight smile before poking her lips out at me. She blushed when I gave her a slight wink.

“Goodnight, Mr. Dymon,” Kia mumbled when I made it to the elevator.

I ignored her and didn’t turn around until I stepped on the elevator, pressing the button for the doors to close.

“Of course, because you ride the elevator by yourself,” Quinci stated while walking up to the elevator as the doors were closing.

Stepping out on the first floor,I looked both ways before walking down the hall and slipping into one of the empty offices, leaving the door cracked.Five minutes later, I heardQuinci’spumps clicking across the floor.

“Psst,” I hissed as she walked by.

She stopped and backed up before I opened the door wider, pulling her in, and closing the door.

“Eek!” she squealed. “This is how—”

I crashed my lips against hers, pushing my tongue in her mouth. She dropped her tote on the floor, gripping the back of my head, deepening the kiss. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I pulled her closer to me. Our tongues danced in each other’s mouths sloppily. She was suckingthe air out of me. I had to pull back before I lost all my oxygen. We gazed into each other’s eyes while we both were trying to catch our breath.

“That… wow. This is… this is normally how people get killed, Mr. Dymon. Not attacked with kisses. Could you attack melike that more in the future?”

I chuckled. “I’d been wanting to do that all day, Princess.”

“Right. I’m not going to make it’til Friday.I definitely had a moment to myself in your bathroom when you were downstairs.”

My eyes widened. “What?”

“Yes. I got a little horny, and yeah, but I did need to talk to you about something really quick.”


“Fi and Derek—”

I took a couple steps back. “No.”

“Let me finish, please. They want to come and have drinks.”

I cocked my head slightlyto the side.“I said no.”


“No. That’s going to lead to them wanting to see your apartment, and no.”

“You don’t trust me?”

“You haven’t given me a reason not to.”

“Okay then.” She stepped up to me. “Didn’t Itell you last night that I belong to you?”

I stared at her lips. “Yes. Multiple times.”