Page 84 of Tempted By Danger

“Then trust that. I’m not interested in him like that no more.On top of that, he’s engaged and about to be a dad.I wouldn’t come in between that.”

“What does that mean? If you open those thick ass thighs, he’s going tofuck.”

“I’m not opening my legs, Mr. Dymon.” She grabbed my ears, pulling meto her lips. “Don’t worry.”

“Alright, Princess. Let me know if he tries anything.”

“He’s not like that.”

“You never know what you’re like when you’re in love, Quinci.”


“Look, wait in here forfive minutes and then come out. I’m going to take you home.”

“I brought my sandals.”

“Do what I say.”

“Yes, sir.”

Opening the door, I peeked out, looking both ways before walking out. I couldn’t believe that I was sneaking around in my own buildinglike a horny teenager. Walking outside, Bernardwas leaning against the car with his phone in his face.

“Good evening, Dymon.”

“What’s up?Quinci should be in behind me in a couple of minutes.”


He closedme in before walking around the car and standing on the other side. Minutes later, she came out and got in the car, smiling at me.Every time I looked at her, I couldn’t help but to think about how good she felt, and how soft she was under me.The way shefucking tastedturned me on even more. Had to be themdamnorangesshe ate every damn day. My dick twitched every time I thought about her taking my length and width likea champ. The tearful orgasms made it even better. After one night, Iwas hooked on her ass.

Looking out the window, I avoided the death stare that Bernard was giving both of us. I was aware that the tension could be cut with a knife, but I hoped he didn’t pick up on what type of tensionit was.

“Mr. Dymon, what your mama cooking for dinner?And why do you schedule dinner with your people when they live here?”

I looked at her. “I don’t talk about my personal life with my employees. Google it. Like you Google everything else.”

She squinted and then cocked her head to the side. “I think it should be fair to ask you about stuff that I can see.”

I inhaled and exhaled slowly. “My mother does not cook. I don’t know what’s being prepared.Happy?”

“Why is everything with you like pulling teeth with a pair of pliers? This is only week two, andyou’re still being a jackass to me. I am going to fulfill this contract whether you like it or not. I would love for you to make it bearable though. Please.”

I could tell that she was trying to hide her smirk, but she was doing a great job at selling it.I respected that.

“Good night, Quinci,” I said when Bernard came to a stop in front of her building.“Is that bearable enough?

She stared at me until he’d gotten out of the car and opened the door for her. He didn’t pull off until she was inside of the building.We had a long hour-drive to my parents’ home. I stared out the window, avoiding Bernard’s looks.



“You hired me, correct?”

“I did.”

“Do you remember what was on my resume?”