Page 43 of Tempted By Danger

“You mind if I check my phone?”

“Go ’head.”

Pulling my phone out of my tote, I saw that Ihad severalmessages from Fiona.In my text to her last night, I’d let her know that I’d moved to New York,where I was staying, and who I’d be working for.

Fi: WTF!!! Are you freaking serious!!??

Fi: OMG!!!I just saw your IG story! OMG! I’ve missed you so much.

Fi: I am so happy! I missed you so freaking much! I can’t wait to see you.I work in Manhattan too.We coulddefinitely havelunch today. Text me back!!

Fi: I would have texted you back yesterday when you texted me, but,bitch,my Sunday Funday, turned into SundayFunNIGHT.Can’t wait to catch up.Text me back.

I laughed at her texts, but I had to call her out on hershit.

Me: For someone to have missed me so much, you sure ain’t texted mein a long ass time.

The dots immediately popped up.

Fi: It’s a long story. I can tell you over lunch. Let’s meet,like, six blocks away fromyou at a placecalledThe Sandwich Club.

Me: Okay. I’ll let you know when I got lunch. Can’t wait to see you. I am dying to tell someone how Ijust freaking embarrassed myself.

Fi: LMFAO! I can only imagine.

Metri set a few pieces of paper in front of me along with my badge.

Danger Headquarters.

Quinci Everly.

Executive Assistant.

That sounded important.

“This is your ID and badge. Please don’t lose this. If you do, my brother will be very mad because only so many keys are made to his floor. So, because you are his assistant, you have access to the whole building. On this sheet of paper isyour information to ourKogNitosoftware program. It’s where we all communicate with each other. Once you get inside of it, you’ll understandwhat I’m talking about. It’s very easy tonavigate. It’s our bulletinboard ifyou will. Slight tip on dealing with my brother. If it can beKog’d,pleaseKogit. It’s the instant message part of the software. You have access to everything on there too because you will be typing for Dymon sometimes.”

“Okay,I got it. So, I am, technically… Dymon’s adjacent.”

“Just a wee bit.”

“Okay, got it.So, what do I do now?”

“There are two emails in your account. The first one needs to be done immediately. That isyour employee packet. The second email isa bunch of videos and quizzes youmust take. You can do that over time. It justhasto be done within two months of your hire date, which is today.”

“Okay, got it.”I stood up.“Well, it was very nice meeting you, Metri. I’m sureI’ll see you around.”

She smiled. “You will.”

Leaving her office, I floated down the hall,peeking in some of the offices, getting weird looks from the people who weresitting at their desks. Everyoneseemed sorobotic.The only chatter you heard was people on the phone talking business,the clickety-clackety of the keyboards, and the cold ass air conditionerpipes. There was no laughing or anything. Granted, it was early; maybe they weren’t morning people.

It didn’t take me long to find the elevator. I remembered how the elevator guy did his key, so I had no problem getting back to the twenty-fifthfloor.

When the doors opened, Kia’s head popped up, and I smiled at her while holding up my badge.

“See, you didn’t have to be so negative. I got my badge, Kia,” I spoke, stepping off the elevator.

“Good for you. Now, let’s hope you survive by the end of the week.”