Page 44 of Tempted By Danger

I walked up to her deskwith my headkindacocked to the side. “Where I’m from,we really don’t pick up on sarcasm well, so I really don’t know if you’re being sarcastic or if you’rejust abitchor what…butI hope we can befriends. I’m new here, and I would hate to have an enemy before I even make one acquaintance. Truce?”

Her eyes were wide like I’d just cursed her mother or something. She blinked a few times before smiling. “You’re right, girl. JustPMS’n. You understand, right?”

“Of course. I amdefinitely aragingbullwhen I am on my cycle. So, I get it.”

I smiled at her beforewalking away from her desk. I tapped on Dymon’s door a few times before I pushed it opened. He sat behind his desk, typing a mile minute. He never stopped typing when he peeked at me overthe top of his computer and then focused back on the screen.

“Mr. Dymon.Hi.” I stood there, listening to him type.

“When you knock, you wait to be called in.”

“I’m sorry.” I pulled the door closed and knocked again.

“Why would you do that when you were already in here?”

I opened the door and walked in. “Just want to be respectful, sir.”

Hewas still typinga mile a minute, ignoring me, purposely. “Are you going to say something?Or just stand there and stare?”

“Yes. I just wanted to let you know that I was back from HR, and I met your sister, Metri. She is so—”

“Come and get these stacks of papers off my desk, enter the information into the Kog system and then file them.”

“File them?”

Hepeekedover his computer. “File. Them.Do you know what that means?”

A tight smile spread across my facewhile I stared at him.

“Wenci, I hope I don’t have to repeat myself because—”

“I do.” I walked across the room, picking up the stack of papers that were on his desk. “I was just trying to see if the views of this city and access to free food is worth your attitude.”

He didn’t stop typing until I’d walked away from his desk. “Excuse me?” he queriedat my back.

“You heard what I said.”

“I didn’t even—”

I pulled his door closedin the middle of his sentence, walking around mydeskandsitting down.The chair was very comfortable and felt very expensive.When I set my toteon the floor, I saw him glaring at me in my peripherals. When I locked eyes with him, he looked back at his screen. I hoped he knewthat I wasn’t the girl who he could run over just because I was a little timid a couple hours ago. My mama always taught me to stand up for myself, no matter who it was.I turned the computer on and got logged on.

Hours later,I was halfway donewith the first stack of papers. The softwareKogNitowas very easy to navigate just like Metri said it was. I felt like he was giving me busy work because his ass ain’t feel like doing it.All I’d been doing was updating employee files.

After he finished typing whatever he was typing, he kicked his feet up on his desk, staring out the window,twisting in his chair while rollinga gold pen between his top lip and nose.He looked to be in deep thought.

Why was thisfucking deskso close to his office? And cattycornered, so Ihad no choice but to look at him. I’d been staring at him so hard, out the corner of my eye, that it startled me when my desk phone rung. I looked at the caller ID and saw Dymon Danger flashing on it. I looked at him, and he now had the phone to his ear, looking at me with wide eyes, basically telling me to pick up the phone.

I slowly picked up the phone. “Mr. Dymon?”

“Go to lunch,” he commanded before I heard the phone cradled the phone in my ear.

I looked through the glass at him, and he was now standing, putting on his jacketover his vest. When he fiddled with the knot in his tie, I looked away.That was on my list of sexy non-verbal cues.Along with him smelling deliciousand wearing that vest.And his voice.He was checking everything off my list, and I needed to stop checking for him because I wasn’t here to be lusting over my boss.

He came out of his office, closed thedoor,and swiped his card before grabbing the handle, making sure it was locked.

I logged out of the computer, grabbed mytote,and stood up. “You didn’t have to call and tell me to go to lunch when you were literally coming out of the door.”

He ignored me and kept walking.