Page 176 of Tempted By Danger

Dymon Danger

The momentshe slammed the door, her parents looked at me.

“Dymon, are you okay?” Bern asked me, referring to my lip, and the cut under my eye.

Ironically, these licks came after I’d knocked Derek’s ass out, and Fiona pieced me up real fast. I stopped myself from hitting her because I would’ve never heard the end of that, even though she assaulted me first, and I clearly warned Derek to stay back. He swung first and got put down. It didn’t help that I’ve been wanting to knock him out, because I feared I killed him until he moved.

“I’m okay. I’m going to give Quinci a little while to calm down, and I’ll be back to talk to her. I’m sorry. I probably should have told her what I knew, but I felt like it wasn’t my place.”

“We’ll take care of it,” Quest Sr. responded.

“Come in and let me get you some ice.”

“Nah. I’m okay. When Quinci says she need space, I give it to her, or she tortures me by giving me the silent treatment, so…”

“She gets it honestly. Well, goodnight, Dymon. Hope I can drag you around Citrus Grove again.”

“It was nice meeting you both, and I had a great time today. Even though it ended crazy.”

When I got in the car, I looked at the window where Quinci was sleeping, and I saw the curtain move. I wanted to call her, but like I said earlier, when my girl said she wanted space, I gave it to her. Backing out of the yard, I pulled to the stop sign and pulled my phone out of my pocket to see that I had a bunch of missed calls and text messages from my family. Before I could open one of the messages, my dad’s name flashed on the screen.

“Yeah?” I answered the phone.

“Son, we been calling you for hours. You need to get back to New York. Declan is not well. He’s had a heart…”

“Hello? Dad?” I pulled the phone away from my ear to see that it had gone dead. “Fuck!”

I burned rubber to the port where my jet was parked.

* * *

Hours Later

That four-hour flight felt like ten hours because I didn’t know what was going on. My phone died, and the charger cord on the fucking plane was fucked up. My phone barely got enough juice to text Bernard and have him meet me at the jet strip to take me to wherever my family was.

After I walked in the hospital, I was immediately led up to where my family was. Before I walked in the room, I inhaled and exhaled deeply before I stepped inside. I hadn’t seen them since I’d quit and walked out on the family dinner.

Everyone looked at me with wide eyes before standing to greet me, but I held my hands out, not wanting any hugs. My mother sat in the corner dabbing at her eyes, with Metri consoling her, while Denim, Diesel, and my father sat at the small circular table with small cups of water.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“Son, what happened to your face?”

I ignored his question.

“Well, the doctors said it was just a severe panic attack, mimicking a heart attack, but they are going to take him for more intense testing to make sure that everything is okay,” my father responded before standing up.

“So, in other words, he will be okay.”

My father nodded his head slightly.

“Good. I’ll go,” I retorted before heading for the door.

“Dymon,” Diesel called my name.

I turned and looked at him.

“You should go see him.”