Page 177 of Tempted By Danger

“He just said that he was going to be okay. I don’t have to go see him.”

“But I think you should.”

“And say what?”

“You’re brothers. It’ll come to you. Room four-A.”

“Alright, I guess.”

When my hand touched the doorknob, Diesel called my name again.

“Anything else?”

“I just want to know why are you dressed like a hillbilly?”

That got a chuckle out of me before leaving the room. It didn’t take me long to find Declan’s room. When I peeked in the small window, Declan was sitting up in the bed with Donovan on his lap and Winter sitting at his side. He was hooked up to a couple machines that I assumed were checking his heart. I tapped the door a few times before pushing it open.

Donovan’s eyes got so wide before inhaling sharply. “Uncle Dymon!” he squealed.

He stood on his dad’s lap and leaped in the air as I was crossing the floor.

“Donovan!” Winter yelled, clutching her head.

I caught him mid-air, making him throw his head back laughing. I tickled him a little bit before hugging him.

“Dymon, you need to stop wrestling with him because he thinks he’s a wrestler and can just jump off whatever,” Winter scolded me.

“Uncle Dymon, who hurt you?”

He touched my face and my lip.

“Just a little minor accident. I’m okay.”

“Oh. Where is Pretty Quinci?”

I chuckled. “She is at home, missing you. You haven’t called us in a few days.”

“Tell him why, Donovan,” Winter followed.

He lowered his head and shook it.

“I thought we didn’t keep secrets.”

He looked up at me. “I didn’t want to share with Billy because I wanted to share with Makayla, and he got mad and grabbed the toy from me. I punched him in the nose.”


“Dymon!” both Winter and Declan exclaimed at the same time.

“Donovan, don’t let people just take things from you. Tell the teacher next time…before you sock him.”

We slapped hands.

“Donovan, let’s go get some snacks for your daddy.”

He tapped my nose with his little finger. “Be here when I get back.”

He wiggled out of my arms and grabbed his mother’s hand as they walked out of the room. When the door closed, I eyed him, while he looked ahead at the TV.