Page 169 of Tempted By Danger

Quinci Everly

When I woke up,my legs and my pussy ached, but I loved it. It was a little after seven, and the smell of my mom’s pies had seeped under the door. Ever since I’ve been little, my mother always put her pies in the pie contest for City Day. After I got dressed in my usual, blue jeans and orange T-shirt, I headed for the kitchen.

“Good morning, fam-oh!”

I stopped in my tracks when I saw Dymon in the kitchen with an apron on with flour all over it. I was thinking that he would still be sleep, after snatching that nut out of him early this morning, because I was hoping to speak to my parents alone. I wanted them to get their true feelings out about me and Dymon, but here he was.

“Um. Hi. What are you…? I mean, I see what you’re doing, but why are you…um…”

“Good morning, Quinci. I was helping your mother with some of her pies.”

“Oh. I see.”

My dad walked in the room, dusting his hands. He had on a robe as well.

My mom picked up the pot off the stove and emptied the apple custard into the pie shell.

“Dymon was just in here telling us about you all’s lifestyle.”

My eyes nearly bucked out of my head.

“I’m…I’m sorry?” I stuttered, looking from him, to her, to my dad.

They were watching my mom pour the custard, not paying attention to me about to pass out.

“Quinn, you know that your father and I are not those type of strict parents or whatever. We just wanted to understand. He’s helping us understand. That’s all.”

My mind went to a thousand places. There was no way that he would be telling her about our sexual escapades.

“He’s been gentle, Quinn. Very gentle. Compared to what I read last night on the internet.”

“Mom. Please. How are the pies?”

I finally walked over to the table. I didn’t want to hear anything else my mother had to say regarding my lifestyle.

My father’s lips were kind of tight, looking as if he would rather be anywhere else than here.

“They are coming along pretty well. You know I made you an extra apple pie to take back with you.”

My dad looked at his watch before pulling off his apron.

“Young man, ride with me.”

Dymon dusted his hands before taking off his apron. Before following my father out of the kitchen, he hugged me and kissed my cheek.

My face burned so bad, and I tried to hide all of that from my mother, but she could read me like a children’s book. Once I heard the door shut, I let out the slight breath that I was holding.

I plopped down in the chair. “Okay, Mom. Just give it to me. Tell me. Let me have it.”

She looked at me and then back at the pie she was getting ready to put in the oven. “Quinci, I’m just disappointed. Not regarding the…the…you know…you all’s lifestyle. Dymon was nice enough and told us all of it. I’m disappointed that you don’t trust me and your father. I thought we were better than that. It hurt my feelings a little. What was different about this time?”

I sighed. “Mom, what was different about this time was the fact that I’d fallen for my boss; so fast and so hard. I knew that if I told Dad, he’d be livid. I knew that if I told you, you’d tell me to leave him alone and that it was just my hormones and great sex that’s blinding me. I didn’t want to hear that. Not to mention that I’d quit my job and moved in with him. You would tell me that it’s just a whirlwind. So, that’s why I didn’t say anything. I just wanted to have fun.” Tears welled up in my eyes, but I blinked them back. “But, Ma. It’s real. What I feel for him, right now, today, is real. And we are together.”

She looked at me and smiled. “I know, baby.”

“Huh? What do you know?”

“I know love when I see it, Quinci. You’re smitten over that boy just like he’s smitten over you. I just don’t want you to get hurt, literally… and physically. He’s nice. And even your father laughed at a few of his jokes, but he hated it. He also heard the conversation between you two at the grove. Your father knows that you basically run that man, like I run him. He told me last night that the way he saw Dymon look at you, he knew it would be worthless to tell you or him anything.” She laughed.