Page 154 of Tempted By Danger

My mouth opened and closed. I wasn’t sure if I should say anything or not.I shifted in my seat when they both looked at me.

“Dymon, don’t be this way. You’re angry at your father andmefor whatever reason.He is still your brother,” his mother stated.

“Forwhatever reason,” Dymon mumbled.

“Dymon, I really need you to let your brother create something for himself,” his mom continued.

“Then…maybe…he should have been the one to go toWyoming, so he’d know how to create something forhimself because that’s where I learned.”

His dad pointed hispinky at him. “Dymon, that is enough. You’ve said no. Let it be that.”

“Of course.” He stood up. “If there is nothing else, I have a lot of work to do.”

When his dad stood up, he had to be at least an inch or two taller than Dymon. I held my breath because I didn’t know what was about to happen. I’d never been around a family with so much tension.When Mr. Danger walked over to me, I popped up.

“Quinci. Nice to formally meet you.” He grabbed my shaking hand and shook it.

I could see why women were falling over him. He was very handsome, and Dymon was his twin.

“You should come to dinner tonight.”


I looked at his wife, whowas fuming, and then I looked at Dymon. He’d shoved his hands in his pocket, staring at me, slightly shaking his head.

“Don’t worry about him.He can come too.”

“Okay,” Iwhispered.

He smiled right before he winked at me. “See you later, son.”

The moment he closed the door, I let out the slight breath I didn’t even know I was holding. I rushed into his bathroom to relieve my bladder, with Dymon on my heels.

He watched me sit on the toilet.

“What the fuckwasthat,Quinci? Why did you agreeto go to dinner?”

“Your father was staring deep into my soul, Mr. Dymon. I fear that if I said anything else, he’d probably break my hand. I mean, I could see what women see in him, but he’s scary to me.”

“He was squeezing your hand?”

“No. No. He wasn’t. I didn’t know what else to say. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, baby. I just…I didn’t want you meeting them. At least, not like that.” He leaned against the sink, folding his arms across his chest, looking at the wall in deep thought.

“Baby? Can I have a little privacy while I wipemyself,please?”

He looked at me, turninghis nose up.“Girl, I put my nose in your pussy. Please, but I’ll leave.”

After washing my hands, I walked back out into his office to see him typing furiously on his phone.

“Who you texting?”



He looked up at me and then back at his phone.After a few moments passed, I headedtoward the door, not feeling slighted because I knew he was mad.