Page 118 of Tempted By Danger

I looked at her, and her ass was just cheesing.I’d never in my life thought about being someone’shusband, but looking at her face, I could tell her ass would say yeah if I asked her to marry me tonight.

“Alright, let me see. I want the big Spiderman, and wegonnaget theunicorn.”

“Let’s see.”

After paying, he handed me some darts. I loosened my shoulders up a little. Denim kissed her teeth while Quinci was trying to contain her laughter. When I threw the first dart, it bounced off the balloon.

“Oop,” Quinci covered her mouth.

“Umph.” Diesel grunted. “Weak ass.”

“That was a warm-up.”

“If you say so,” she mumbled.

I looked at her.“Back up. Give me some space.”

She laughed. “Come on, Donovan, before hegetsmad at usbecause his aim is off.”

“My aim ain’t off.” When I threw the second one, it popped. “See. Just needed a warm-up.”

She clapped Donovan’s hands together after I made the rest of them, winning her and my nephew their toys.

“You did good, babe.”

When she stood on hertiptoes, I backed away because I knew what she was about to do.

“Sorry,” she whispered.

I wanted nothing more than to slob her down, but I couldn’t do that in front of everyone.

“Oh, Uncle Dymon! I want to ride the swings.”


While I stood in the line with Donovan andDenim, and Quinci stood by the fence talking. When she noticed me looking at her, she winked at me before smiling. She looked sofuckinggoodin her black jeans and belly shirt, covered with a blacklong-sleeved plaid shirt.I couldn’t wait to pull those jeans off her. We were going to have to talk about the Plan B and going raw thing because it would be hard as hell for me to go back to condoms after feeling her like that, but I also didn’t want her to be taking them if they were going to make her sick.

“Uncle Dymon, Quinci smells good.Is that your girlfriend?”

“Not yet. Come on, and stop worrying about Quinci.”

He was much tallerthananormalfive-yearold,so he was tall enough toride the ride.

“Aye, triple check my nephew being locked in there.”

“Got it, sir.”

He waved at me as I walked back over toDenim and Quinci.

“What y’all over here talking about?”

“None of your business, Jesus,” Quinci replied.

“Don’t get snatched up out here.”

“Oh, really?”

“Man, get away from me.”