Page 119 of Tempted By Danger

“UncleDymonnnn! AuntieDenimmm!UncleDieselll,” Donovan sang our names as he went around the circle.

“He is just too cute. Oh my gosh.”

“Quinn, you want kids?” Denim asked her.

“Yes. I want, like, five of them. Four or five.”

“Hell no, girl. You crazy as hell. I said one, maybe two. I am sure you’ll change your mind after the first one.”

“Yes, I am, but they are going to have a rich Godfather, right…” She nudged me in the side.

It took me a minute to register what she said.

“Wait a minute. Whatthe hell you just say?”

Both of themlaughed.

She’d be adamnfool to think that I’d be her kids Godfather. When Donovan came around, he looked like he was going to be sick.

“Smile, Donovan.” Denim laughed.

When the ride finally came to a stop, Donovan got off with shaky legs; I had to catch him. When I picked him up, he startedlaughing.

“My head is spinning, Uncle Dymon.”

“I bet. They had you spinning at a hundred miles an hour.It’ll go away in a minute.” I looked at Quinci, who was looking at me with that cute ass pouty face she always made.She could get whatever she wanted out of me when she made that face. “What you want to do now, Quinci?”

“I would like to get a corndog. Extra mustard. Hmm. And then I want a funnel cake.After the funnel cake, I want a turkey leg or two to take home.”

“Goddamn. Where are you going to put all that food?”

“In my mouth, Mr. Dymon. Where else?”

Before she could stop herself,or I could stop her,she stood on her tiptoes and kissed my cheek before walking off. While she walkedseveral stepsahead, Denim and Diesel were at my side.

“Youso damngone.” Dieselshook his head.

“Iknow. And I don’t know what it is, man. The more I’m around her, the worse it gets. Do you know I told her that she could have whatever wedding she wanted while we were watching that Crazy Rich Asian movie?”

Denim laughed. “I like her, but you don’t really know her enough to… you know, be making plans like a wedding or kids and stuff like that.”

One thing about Denim, she was fiercely protective over me just like I was her.Next to Ryan, Price, and Diesel, she was my female best friend. I have a lot of peers and colleagues, but genuine female friends, no.The few times I did call myself trying to date, Denim ended up not liking them, and it was curtains for them. I trusted her with my life.

“So, the only thing you don’t like is the fact thatshe’smy employee?”

“No. I don’t care about any of that. You two entered this agreement, or whatever y’all doing,with certain expectations. What if she doesn’t want the same thing you want, or vice versa.You two are so… different, and I don’t think you two are compatible like that. She needs a man who works a regular nine to five. You know how long your hours can sometimes.And she doesn’t want to live in New York. I just don’t see it working. Two different people.”

“Didn’t they say opposites attract?”

“Yes, but—”

“Dymon, I think that you should do whatever you want to do. You’re just thirty. It’s not the end of the world if you two don’t work out.At the end of the contract, just ask her what she wants. You never know what may happen by December. If it was up to Denim, your ass wouldn’t be with anyone.”

“Okay, but I been right about everyone. I don’t want a repeat of Kia.”

Before I could respond, I looked ahead to see Derek approaching Quinciwith his pregnant fiancée and a couple more people.

“And then there’s that,” Denim includedand nodded her head.