Page 89 of Tempted By Danger

Donovan mirrored my hand movements. “A-s-s is Ass, Grandpa.”

“D, be quiet,” Winter commanded.

“I’m just saying. I think it’s a bad idea.”

“See, I had been thinking about changing my mind on it,because I was trying to be sensitive to the movement right now, but every idea you’ve tried to shut down, ended up turning out great. And in return, you get to addalllllthese new renovations to his house.Right?”

She looked taken aback.

“Yeah, look crazy.”

“Dymon. That is your mother you’re speaking to. Remember that.”

I shot him a look. “And you canremind your wife that she’s speaking to her son.”

Diesel and Denim pulled their phones from their pockets. They learned to stay out of it and just let theshitplay out.

“You really think you can talk to me any kind of way just because you saved the family business.”

“Did I not, though?”

She stared at me.

“It hurts you, don’t it? To see the son who you just knew you’d be bailing out of jail every other weekend, month, or whatever. It pains you that Iactually didbetter than you thought I’ddobecause you don’t want to apologize for being a piss-poor mother to me.You want a reason to continue being apiss-poor mother to me.”

She looked at my dad, tears forming in her eyes. “Duncan, say something.”

“Here we go.”

“Why do you come if you justgonnastart shit?”

Donavan gasped and covered his ears. “Dad said a bad word.”

I looked at Declan before looking atdad, who was rubbing his temples.He stoodup, holding his hands in the praying signal, and sighed. “This ends tonight. Dymon, what is it that you want from your mother?”

I looked at her.“She needs to apologize for being a bad mother to me. Sending me away because I had sex. Onlycreating me to save mysister’slife and then throwing me to themaids and whoever else would look after mebecause I was a little mischievous. Apologize for bragging about me to her social circle, when she secretly wishes that it wasn’t me who did what I did.Like, I know it hurts, butdamn. Give me some credit because you reap the benefits of the son you hate.”

“I do not hate you! I could never hate you! Stop saying that! That is what hurt my feelings the most, Dymon! Is that you think I hate you!I am so sorry that I did what I thought was best for you at the time!”

I nodded my head. “Great apology, Mother.Just great. Love it.”I held my water glass up toward herbefore taking a biggulp ofit.

“See, Duncan! I can’t win!” She snatched the napkinoff the table and dabbed at her eyes.

“I bet if that new assistant told him not to open that resort,he wouldn’t open it,” Declan saidbefore picking up his wine glass.

Everybody got even quieter and stared at me.

“You think you’re so much better than Dad, but here you are,knocking downyour young assistant.”

My mom chuckled while shaking her head.All she needed was something else to be condescending and passive-aggressive about.

My dad pointed his fingers at me, Denim, and Diesel. “You three.My office. Now.”

“Ooou, is Grandpa about to whoop them?”

We stood and followed him to his office.

He opened the door for us and shut the door behind him. He walked over and fell into his seat with a loud sigh.He rested his elbows on thearms of the chair, tapping his fingertips together.