Page 90 of Tempted By Danger

“One dinner.”He held up both his index fingers. “Just one dinner I wanna get through without the bullshit.”

“Mom started with me.You be knowing that and don’t be saying nothing. Why you do that?”

“I have to live here, son. Trying to talk to heris like trying to talk to a brick wall. Shegottasee that on her own. No amount of talking—orsnappingat her—is going to make her change.I don’t know what to do at all.I told her to just apologize, but she won’t.”

I shook my head. “Of course.”

“Why I’m in here? I don’t like cold lobster,” Diesel stated.

He pointed his pinkies at them. “Do we know who this girl is?”

I closed my eyes and sighed. “You don’t even know if it’s true.”


When he didn’t say anything, Denim turned to me with her mouth slightly opened.

“Dymon. I really liked her.Like, I really,reallyliked her. I felt like I was making a genuine friend, and you are about to mess it up.” She shook her head and looked back at Dad.

“Denim, who is this girl?”

“Pretty country girl. Funny as hell. I don’t…” she sighed. “I don’t think she’s like that, but—”

“But we can never be too careful.Denim,getan NDA packet together for her. Make her sign it.” He looked at me. “And don’t you touch her againuntil those papers are signed.”

He waved Denim out of the room.

“Dad.We already signedhellaagreements with the club. She hadn’t even asked me for money. Rolling up on her with a binder full of separate paperwork will not go over well with her.”

“Good. Then that means you don’t need to befuckingwithheranyway. And when Declan says young...”


“What isshe trying to get from you? A new body or something?”

“She doesn’tneed that,” Diesel blurted, making me look at him.

“Listen, she doesn’t even want to live in New York. She’s going back home at the end of thissix-monththing that Denim put her on. She doesn’t want a baby or a relationship.”

He waved me off. “They all say that. College?”

“She already has a degree. She’s most comfortable working on afarm ifyou can believe it.Well… there is one thing… her family is in danger of losing it.”

“There it is.”

“No, it’s not. She doesn’t even know about it. Partially why her mother sent her to New York to begin with.”

“Okay. Whatever. You can never be too careful.”

“I’m leaving. Maybe I’ll try again soon. Not too soon, though. So, don’t ask.” I headed out of his office.

“Keep your brother out of trouble.” I heard my dad say as the door closed.

Luckily,I didn’t run into anybody as I walked out of the house.

“Fifty-five minutestoday. Look at you,” Bernard commentedas I approached the car.

“Need to stopat a CVS or something like that on the way to Lux.”