Page 79 of Tempted By Danger

“I know. You’ve only reminded me a hundred times tonight. So, how does this work, though?We meet here every other night? Or weekends or what?”

“I hadn’t thought that far yet.”

“I understand.”

I looked out at the buildings as we rode through the streets.When my phone vibrated in my clutch, I pulled it out to see that Derek’s picture was staring back at me, wanting to FaceTime.I hadn’t talked on the phone with him in years, and the first thing he did was FaceTime me, and at this time of night. I closed myphone up in my clutch.

“No other men.”

I looked athim. “Okay.”

“Are you on birth control?”


“Why not?”

“I don’t like it. Tried it before, and it didn’t agree with my body.”

“Hmm.Do you want kids?”

“Yes. Eventually. About three or four or maybe even five. You got a huge family. When am I going to see your other brother? Are you guys not cool or something?”

“He doesn’t bother me as much as he thinks he does, but you’ve seen him. Youprobably thought that it was Diesel.You’ll meet himformallytomorrow probably.Meetings andshit.”

“Do you want kids, Dymon?”

“Hadn’t thought about it. I’m only thirty. You shouldn’t even be thinking about it. You not even twenty-five yet. You got your whole life ahead of you.”

“Look at you already pulling back before we can even get started.”

“There ain’t nothing to pull back from, so what are you talking about? You do know that this is not going past usfucking,right?”

I stared ahead, ignoring him.

“Quinci, look at me. Please tell me you understand that,right? I’m literally breaking the number one rule that I fire people over. You have to understand how thatwould makeme look.”

“Because youjust paid over half a million dollars to justfuckme, when you could have had that blonde-hairedgirlfrom last nightfor free and free publicityon your Subreddit.Don’t talk about your stupid no fraternizing rule with me right now.”

“Are you going to keep bringing thatmoneyup?”

“Yeah, I am because youcanget free pussy everyday, but tonight, suddenly,you want to pay for it… for me. Miss me with thebullshit. Stop trying topiss me offafter we’vehad a great night.We are going to enjoy this for the next few months. And after that, if you want to try a long-distance relationship, then I am open to doing that.”

“You about to force me into a relationship?”

I laughed. “No. I just said what was going to happen, which means that the ball is in your court at all times. Onceit’s time for me to moveback home, and you realize that you want me in your life for alil’ longer, then we’ll talk about it.”

He laughed and shook his head.“This is crazy. You are crazy.”

“Yes, it is crazy because this whole conversation stemmed from you wanting tofuckme raw. You could have just said that instead of going the whole, ‘having babies and you got your whole life ahead of you’ route. We can always make an amendment to the expectations. We can have raw sex at least once or twice a month, and I’ll make sure to havePlan B’s ready. See. Compromise. We didn’t even have to argue.”

He sighed. “I just don’t want you to get hurt or nothing like that when I can’t give you what you want.”

I cocked my head to the side.“A relationship isn’t what I wanted out of this, Mr. Dymon.Kids are not what I want out of this.I never saidany of that.Itwasn’t in the expectations.Get your head out of your own ass for just two seconds.”

Under the lights, I could see his jaws clench.He had a love/hate relationship with my mouth.

“So, what the fuck was that pulling backcommentshit about then?”