Page 80 of Tempted By Danger

“If you sensed anything more than just sex, you’d cut me off, or hold back with what we got going on, and neither one of us would be fulfilled, right?”

He didn’t say anything. Ten minutes later,he pulled into the parking garage, close to the door. His handsgripped the steering wheel tightly.

“My house. Every weekend. That’s where you’ll stay.”

Leaning over the seat, I pecked him on the cheek because, another make-out session with him, and I’d be bouncing on his dick in this car. When I got out, I went and pressed the button to the elevator. I heard the window to Dymon’s car let down.

“Text me when you get to bed,Princess.”

I turned around and smiled.He didn’t pull off untilthe elevatordoors closed.

* * *

The Next Morning

My mother and I were on FaceTime as Iwasfluffing my hair out.

“You look so cute, Quinn. You got that when you went with Denim the other day?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

I’d chosen atwo-pieceblack skirt suit, which was also tailored to my body. I’d even found me some nice, comfortable pumpsto walk around in.

Leaning closer to the mirror, I pulled another strand over to the side of my neck.

“Quinn, what the hell!” my mom screamed, making me jump back.

“What? Why are you screaming?”

“Girl, what is that on your neck!”

I squinted in the mirror, trying not to bulge my eyes out at the hugepurple mark on my neck that I thoughtthe collar of my blouse was hiding.

“Oh. That. I burned myself with the hairdryer.”

Her face twisted up,and she put her hands on her hips. I tried not to reacttoher face because then she’d be on to me. My mother and I had a great relationship,but I wasn’t ready to tell her how my fine ass boss was choking the dog’sshitout of her daughter as he pounded into her swollen pussy.I was nowhere near ready to tell my mother how my boss hada pussy-eatingfetishand I was his Princess andthather daughter wasvery muchdiggingherselfinto a black holethat only a tub of ice cream and sappy romance movieswould be ablepull her out of.

I wasn’t ready to explain that just yet.I wanted to live a little longer in my ignorance of thinking that there could possibly be a future with Mr. Dymon Danger.

“The hairdryer, huh? Well, be careful next time. Don’t want you to get hurt.”

I sensed the double meaning. “Alright, Mama. I’m going to let you go now. Give Dad my love.”

“Alright, love you.”

“Love you too.”

A message came through on my phone.

Mr. Dymon: Downstairs. Come now.

My eyes widenedbecause I wasn’t expecting him to come pick me up. I thought I was going to have more time to myself to think about how hefuckedthe hell out of me last night. I felt everything he did to my body when I woke up this morning. I wasdefinitely goingto get me a massage when I got off from work today.

After making sure I had everything, I headed downstairs.Outside, Mr. Bernard was just opening the door for me. I tried to walk like everything was okay, however, everything hurt, but it was the bestdamnhurt that I’d felt in a long time.

“Good morning, Ms. Everly.”

“Good morning, Mr. Bernard.”