Page 20 of Tempted By Danger

So, if they followed those two rules, their time at DHQ would beas great as they made it out to be. They might not have liked me, but theydamnsure respected me, if not as a person, then a businessman.They fordamnsurenever complained when the Eagle dropped those bonuses in their accounts.

“These numbers sound good. I just don’t think that this type of resort is needed from us right now,” one of the expressed, and a few of them agreed.

“Dymon,we alreadyhavethe Bahamas and the lodge inColorado. Let’s focus on those two for now. Two resorts in four yearsisa lot,” Roger added.

When I was getting ready to respond to him, Declan opened his mouth.

“What else are you trying to prove? You love reminding everyone how you brought the companynet worthfromtwo hundred and fifty million to six hundred and fifty million in four years.”

I looked at Diesel, and he looked at Declan, nodding him out of the room.If I said what I wanted to say, we’dbe in here moving furniture.He wasn’t going to do nothing but give him a pep talk that wasn’t going to help.He’d stop hating for all of two days and then go right back. When they were out of the room, Roger looked at me.

“Look, Dymon, we aren’t saying take it off the table. We are only saying let’s put a pin in it for a little while.”

I looked around at the table, at the few nodding their heads and mumbling under their breaths. Doing a quick count, I knew thatI wouldn’t win with the necessary votes I needed to go ahead, so I sat back in my chair, rubbing my chin. Roger, noticing the same thing,smirked at little at his victory. It was over with, but not for long.Nothing a few bribes wouldn’t fix.

When Declan and Diesel came back in the room, I stood and dismissed the meeting. Instead of all of them filing out of the roomlike I wanted them to,a few of them stood around, I was assuming,waiting to talk to me.I needed to sift through all the paperwork in my office before Ifuckedaround and forgotan important meeting, costing me a deal or something.

“Boss, I need to see you about something right quick,” one of theguys announced.


He was fidgety.“Did you… um, getthe email thatI sent regarding myvacationtime? It hasn’t been approved yet. I needed to know because Ihave toget back home. It’sreally importantto me. I can work virtually if that’s what you need.”

I cleared my throat. “And who are you again? You’re in this meeting, so you’re someone important, but what is your name?”

“Derek.I… I…have a whole team here, sir.”

“Obviously. I just saidyou’re someone important.Did you send the email to Demetria?”

Beforehe responded, Metri walked in the room.

“Dymon, I’ve been looking for you.” She made her way through the small crowd. “Tyra, has been trying to get in contact with you—”

“Metri, this is Dexter. He put in for a vacation and needs it approved. Can you and Diesel handle that?”


Metri and I looked at him before looking back at each other.

“All vacations have to go through you. Did you forget?”

I ignored that and walked between them before being stopped by another board member.

“Dymon, I need to—”

“Is this something that you can Kog meabout?”

She nodded her head.


I ignored the other two members waiting for me and walked out the room.One thing my dad didn’t warn me about waspeople always needing something. Always. Didn’t get not one breakfrom my Kog pinging. It was like whydid Ihavea fuckingexecutive team, if they still had to ping me a hundred times a day?

My definition of CEO changed the moment I sat in thatdamnchair. Don’t get me wrong,I loved this job and have found it quite fulfilling,but I wished I could get a slight break.I’d even respected my father a little more. At least I could finally somewhat believe when he’dcome home late,tellingmy mother that he was working.

Walking down thehall, Metri fellright in stride with me.

The Eagle is on the move.I heard the muffled voice in the headset.