Page 19 of Tempted By Danger

“Look at you. You think being feared is cool.People used to enjoy coming to work and having fun. Now it seems—”

I stopped short, turning around, getting in his face. Sincehe stood five inches shorter than me at six-foot even, I stared down at him, with my nosedamnnear on his forehead, not caring that we were in front of other employees neither.

“Roger, I’d rather be respected than liked. Fun is what almostbrought this company to its knees.Everyone here knew what they were signing when they signed it. Denim made sure of it. Now, the next time I want to hear your voiceis inside the meeting, about meetingshitonly.”

When I pulled away from his eyes and looked back at the row of sales agents, they all looked back at their computers with thequickness and started back typing. I turned and walked away from Roger. Whether he or anyone believed it or not, I really hatedtalking to him or anyone like that, but he and other peopleneeded to understand that they couldn’t come at me withbullshitneither.

When I opened the door to the meeting room, everyone got quiet, whileDeclan started clapping.

“Thank you, Declan. That’s the one time you have clapped for me in your life.”

He immediately stopped clapping and glared at me.Some people sighed because Declan and I alwayshad spats in meetings.As long asthey knew that he started with me first.I made my way to the head of the table. A few moments later, Roger came in and sat at the other end of the table.This meeting was with the board and the top people of the company who made day to day decisions for the corporation.Some of the same people who were in the room when my father first handed the business over to me, were in here now.

“Good morning,team.I apologize for my tardiness. As you know, I havebeen having issues with finding quality assistants, and—”

“I wonder why…” Declan mumbled.

“Declan,” Dieselcalled his name.

I cleared my throat.“So,a few weeks ago, it was brought to my attention of this beautiful resort that’s going up for sale in just a few short months in Hawaii, and I would like to purchase it and turn it intoa sex resort.”

Everybody in the room gasped and started looking around, waiting on someone to speak first. One of the first times, they looked at Declan for him to speak up, and he took the bait.

“That will never work.Itdoesn’tmatter if you revamped the brandor not.”

“Declan,you said that about the private lodge inColorado, and look… it’s booked out for at least a year. The waiting list is a mile long. Why would I ever take anything you say seriously?That’s exactly why you didn’t get the business, right there.The only reason you are sitting here—”

“Dymon, don’t go low,” Diesel warned.

He knew to stop me because I was about to let his ass have it. I’d been dealingwith Declan’sbitchyass attitude for the last four years. The only reason I’d been letting him make itwas at the orders of our dad, who also knew that Declan was still salty about the exchange of power.All that animosity should have been saved for our dad, and not me.

“So, before I was rudely interrupted, I wanted to give you some specifics.It’s a small private resort. No more than three hundred guests at a time. Nude, if they want. Waivers will be signed. Many waivers. Many,manywaivers. Triple security. Background checks. Private for all guests, and a partof it being more private. Unlimited alcohol. Private beach. Even a part that’s for the LGBTQ community.All of that. I want everyone to be safe and have fun. It makes sense with all these new sex positive movements—”

“And, hashtag, MeToo movements. Don’t forgetthat,” one of the board members said.

“Yeah, Dymon. You might need to think more about this one. Especiallywith… you know…”

I lookeddown the table at her. “No, I don’t know. Tell me.”

She fidgeted in her seat, looking around the room for people to back her up, but no one said anything.She knew that if she said anything about my father’s case, she’d be suspended without pay. In the new manual, there was in bold that no one was to talk about what went on before I got here. We wouldn’t be able to move on being stuck in the past.

“That’s what I thought.I was thinking about calling it D & D’s ParadiseResort and Spa. The name could be changed if you all are not feeling that.”

No one said anything.

“Diesel and his teamaregoing to talk the financials and then we’ll move on from there.”

“Okay,” Diesel started. He opened the folder he had on his desk, and took out a small stack of papers, so people could pass them around. “None of this is set in stone. It’s just to give you an estimate of what could happen withthe business overfive years.”

While Diesel talked, I thought about how my life changed right before my eyes four years ago. When my father told me that I had two weeks to learn the business, he wasn’t lying. Hell, the first week, I was being very combative,fucking off, and not even listening to him and Roger talk.It wasn’t until I was forced to make a speech, right after my father introduced me as the new CEO of his company, and in front of several reporters, that I knew thechange of power was for real. I wasn’t going to take it seriously until a reporter was caught on a hot mic saying, “That company will be bankruptin under six months leaving it to him.” That made me want tosucceed, and that’s what I did.

The moment I stepped foot in the door,I changed the name and changed therules. Danger Towers was now known as D & D Suites. I shutDanger Headquarters (DHQ) down fortwo weeks, firing everybodywith the exceptionofthe executive staff, and even some of them leftwith good severancepackages. During those two weeks, everyone needed to update their resumes and reapply for the position. Most of them were under the impression thatit was just forshitsand giggles, and they would automatically get their jobs back, but that wasn’t the case.

I opened the job positions all the way up. The interview process wasrigorous, with three and four rounds, no matter the position because I wanted to know who had the company’s best interest at heart. I dipped in and out of the interviews to make sure that my executive employeesweren’tbullshittingaround.

All the positionswere filled in no time.

Yeah,when I came in, I madea lot of changes and made a new manualas thick as a Harry Potter book, but there were only two rules that I really enforced, and that wasunder nocircumstances that they fraternized inside or outside of work. I reminded themthat they wouldn’t be finding their spouse atDHQ, and if they did,they’d both be out of a job.The otherrule I heavily enforced was that they never, ever gossiped about the previous owner and thereason the company was turned over to me. Rule number two wasthe reason a lot of people had gotten the boot.