Page 112 of Tempted By Danger

“Ah. That’s why y’all think the women can be bought.”

I looked at her and then back at the road.

“Wait. You said your daddy gave you the job? Why notDiesel or Declan?” She gasped and covered her mouth. “Ohh, is that why you and Declan ain’t cool like that?”


I owed Declan an ass whooping for talkingshitto her about me.Both Bernard and Denim told me what she told them about Declan. Just thinking aboutthat shitgot me heated all over.

Her eyebrows went together like she was confused. “So, there is more to the story?”

“A lot more. But we’ll get into it another day.”

She looked out the window. “Oooh, is that your building?”


“I bet you are on the top floor.”

“Floors sixty-three and sixty-four.”

“Atwo-storypenthouse!” she squeaked.

“Yeah, ma.”

I pulled into the private garage and drove around to the top, where the rest of my cars were.Mancini was parked where I normally parked.

“Ooh, is that who youwason the phone with?”


“He’s very, very—”

“Goddamn. How manyvery’syougonnasay?”

She rolled her eyes.“You don’t even know what I was going to say.”

“Yes I do.”

When I parked, I got out, and grabbed both of our bags.

“Danger, my guy,” Mancini spoke, approaching us. He looked at Quincibefore grabbing her hand. “Gio,” he introduced himself.


“Good to meet you.”

On the elevator,she didn’t say anything, but she stayed close to me, even wrapped her arm around mine. When the doors opened, she gasped.

“Oh my God. Mr. Dymon, this cannot be your house by yourself.”

“For the weekend, it’s not. It’s me and you.”

She looked around at the high ceilings in awe.

“Princess, I’m about to go in my office for a few.Make yourself at home.”
