Page 113 of Tempted By Danger

“This way,” I told him. Once we were inside, I walked around my desk and fired up my computer. “I know you didn’tcome way to New York for no reason. What’s up?”

“I didn’t.Visiting the family.Danger, I’m notgon’ have noshitout of you, am I?”

Gio Mancini was one of the owners of Chokers. He was the one who kicked my dad out the club when allthat shitwentdown andbanned him from the club for five years.

“What are you talking about, bro?”

He cocked his head to the side. “Don’t get me wrong, I can see that she was worth every penny youspent, butis this girl solid? Is my club covered?The New York club won’tsurvive another hit.Don’t want a replay of your dad’sshit.”

“I get it. She straight, though.”

“Alright. As soon as I saw your namepop up, I said, awshit, let me go look this nigga in his eyes because,fuckno.I’m not going throughthat shitagain.Shit cost me a lot of money.”

Ishook my head. “Man, youain’tevengottatell me. How long yougonnabe in town?”

“Not long. I’m headed back out tomorrow.”


“Well, look, that’s all I wanted.I’mmalet you get back to yourPrincess.”

I stood and dapped him up. After walking him out,Iwent tolook for Quinci.Everybody who stepped foot in here loved it.Eight bedrooms and eight bathrooms.Twelve thousand square feet.Private pool, movie theatre, and all that. It was a gift formefor surviving the first year at DHQ as CEO.Plus, I needed to get out of my parents’ house.

While I was walking around looking for her, I pulled my phone out and called Denim.

“What’s up, Dymon?”

“You feel like going to a carnival tonight?”

“Dymon. A carnival?”

“Yeah. She wanna go. And I think she’s going to pout about it all day if I don’t take her. Well, she says that she’ll just go by herself, and I don’t want that to happen. It won’t look as weird if you’re with us. Oh, ask Diesel too.And he can bring Donovan.”

“See. See. See. This notgonnaend good, D.”

“Okay. Do you want to go or not?”

She sighed. “Yeah, I could go for a blooming onion.”

“Good. I’ll text you later.”

As soon as I hung up, a text came through from Denim.Shemust’veknownthat Quinci was around.

Denim: D. What. Are. You. Doing?

Me: I don’tfucking know, man. Her pretty assis getting tomeand I don’t know how or why. I’m trying to contain it.

Denim: You might have to fire her. You are acting completely out of character right now.I don’t even know who you are.

Before I could respond, Quinci rushed out of themovie room and jumped into my arms, wrapping her arms and legs around me, peppering my face with kisses.

“Mr. Dymon, I love your house. I’m never leaving.” She continued to pepper kisses on my face.

My heartskipped a beat, causing me to cough, and she patted my back.

I cleared my throat.“All this because you like my house when I don’t even get this after beating yourpussy down?”

She grinned. “Don’tI put your dick in my mouth, Mr. Dymon?”