His phone rang and he pulled it from his pocket. He glanced at it and grinned. “Speaking of the devil…I’ll talk to you later man.”
“Later,” I said, chugging down the last of my beer. I got up to get another one and noticed J.J. sitting off by himself talking to his wife. He had a big stupid smile on his face and I felt a pang of jealousy.
I shook my head and opened my beer. I was being ridiculous. I had it all right now. Why would I throw it away for some stupid woman I fucked one night? It was nothing but another night of sex like all the other numerous women I’ve banged.
Then why couldn’t I get this one out of my head?
Maybe I needed another chick to get her out of my head. Diesel’s idea of a party was a good one; I could get laid and erase Lindsay from my mind. It was the perfect solution.
I spent the rest of the drive to Vegas working on some songs for our next album with Diesel. We always worked together and wrote all of our songs for the band. We usually started with the music and then added the lyrics. It was such a rush, better than any drug. Sometimes it was even better than stepping onto the stage to the sounds of screaming fans.
I didn’t even give Lindsey a second thought until we got the Hard Rock Café hotel where we were staying. I got off of the bus and looked over in time to see her get off the press bus parked behind us.
She didn’t notice me, so I was able to check her out. She was wearing tiny jean shorts and a tank top that hugged her curves. Images of her tits with her tight nipples flashed through my mind. She had the most perfect real tits I’d seen in a long time.
She had her hair back in a simple ponytail with hoop earrings in her ears. Chuck Taylors adorned her feet and I had to admit she looked fucking sexy. She would probably look sexy in a garbage bag though. So many women I met tried too hard but with her, it was natural.
That was a big part of my attraction to her. She was real. She didn’t fall all over me or suck up to me because I was Cane Stephens. She didn’t let me get away with any bullshit around her and wasn’t afraid to call me out.
She didn’t dress like a whore or wear a ton of make-up. She had a style of her own and didn’t care what anyone else thought. I was a little surprised she didn’t have a boyfriend already.
“What are you waiting for?” Zane asked, nudging me with his arm. He was carrying a couple of bags and standing behind me.
“Nothing,” I mumbled and went into the hotel. I sat in the lobby, waiting for our manager to come back with our room keys.
A couple of girls walked by in dresses that looked about two sizes two small. With their same long straight bleached blonde hair and blue eyes, they could have been twins. I caught their eye and smiled. I wiggled my finger for them to come over and soon they were on their way. Maybe an afternoon with these two ladies would erase that spunky redhead from my mind.
“Ladies, how are you today?” I said with a grin and patting my legs for them to sit their bony asses down on. They didn’t look so skinny from further away. Their skin looked orange in the light of the lobby and they had on way too much make up. That’s okay, after a few more beers and some pot, I wouldn’t even notice.
“Are you ladies interested in a party?” I asked them, setting my hands on their lower backs, right above their asses.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Lindsey walk by and I didn’t even hear their responses. Our eyes met and she shook her head with a smile. I’m not sure why, but I felt embarrassed she caught me with the girls. It didn’t matter; we fucked once and that was it. I could do whatever I wanted.
I let the girls keep chattering on my lap, pretending to pay attention to them, but I was really watching Lindsey. Some punk in skater shorts and a wife beater came up to her. She smiled at him, but she didn’t really seem happy to see him; the smile never reached her eyes.
The guy stood close to her, almost like he was telling all the other guys in the room to back off. I had never seen him before. Was he some dude she picked up after me?
“Ladies, wait here,” I said, standing up before they could respond. I was going to find Drew and get the scoop. He said it was his job to know everything about the tour and people on it, but he seemed to know an awful lot about Lindsey. I knew he had the hots for her, but the way he acted was almost stalkerish.
I found Drew over in the corner of the lobby on his cell phone. He held up a finger for me to wait a minute while he finished. I crossed my arms and looked over to where Lindsey was. She didn’t look happy to have that guy hanging around her.
Drew finished his call and turned to me. “What’s up Cane?” He asked as he slipped his phone into the front pocket of his jeans.
“Who’s that guy with Lindsey? She didn’t look very happy to see him but he seems to know her pretty well.” I turned and nodded in her direction.
He looked and shook his head. “That’s her old boyfriend Shaun. He’s the drummer for one of the bands on the side stages – Twisted something-or-other.” He shrugged. “I can’t remember the name.” He narrowed his eyes at me. “Why do you care?”
I shoved my hands into my pockets. “No reason really. He just looked like a douche and she didn’t really seem happy to see him.”
“From what I know, it didn’t end well. Shaun’s known to have a bit of a temper. She met him when she moved to LA. She and her friend Rebecca got around the music scene when they first moved here. She’s tamed it down some since working for Rolling Stone, but she still has a thing for musicians.” I noticed a hint of bitterness in his voice.
“So, she likes musicians, huh?” I grinned wryly. I
“She used to collect them.” His phone rang and he took it back out of his pocket. “I have to take this.” He was done with this conversation anyway.
“Thanks, man,” I said and turned back to where I was sitting. I wasn’t sure how I felt about being another ‘piece’ of Lindsey’s collection. Guess I deserved it after the way I treated women all of these years.
My manager stopped me and gave me my key to my room. I sighed when I saw the girls still waiting for me. Maybe I could pawn them off on Zane. Right now, all I wanted was a shower and a real bed. There would be time to party later.