Page 14 of Sexy Dirty Fun

“Hey girls, some band business came up and I can’t party now,” I said when I got back to them. They crossed their arms and pouted. They stood up and I put an arm around each one to placate them. “We’re here for almost a week. Make sure to look me up and we’ll party.”

I gave them each a squeeze and picked up my bag to head up to my room. I would find them later and if I didn’t, there would be other ladies lined up to be with me.

First, I needed to regroup. I was tired and hungry. As soon as I had a hot meal, a nap, and a shower, it was time to get out of this funk. My goal here in Vegas was to fuck as many different women as I could.

Lindsey could continue moving her way through the musicians on this tour. I was going to be too busy getting pussy to even notice.



Iwas never so happy to get off the bus as I was when we got to Vegas. When I went to check in, I passed Cane with two bimbos sitting on his lap. All I could do was smile and laugh. He probably hadn’t given me a second thought since our night together, but I was okay with that. Sex with Cane had been amazing and I’d be lying if I said I never wanted it to happen again, but I also wasn’t dumb enough to think it was anything more than a night of fun. I knew he rarely spent a night alone; why would that change after being with me?

While I was waiting for my room key, Shaun found me in the lobby. I tried not to show him how annoyed I was to see him, but he probably picked up on it. I managed to escape him and get to my room but I wasn’t sure he didn’t follow me. Rebecca was probably right and I would have to tell someone about him.

I threw all stuff down and got undressed. I found the plush robe the hotel provided and wrapped it around me while I filled the big Jacuzzi tub in the bathroom. I put my hair up in a messy bun and got out my e-reader.

I had no plans tonight and was going to stay in and relax. I loved this assignment, but all of those days on the road were exhausting. I giddy at the thought of sleeping in a bed that wasn’t moving or was so small I was afraid if I rolled over I might fall out.

As I was about to step into the tub, I heard a knock on my hotel room door. I stopped in my tracks, debating on whether or not I should even answer it. I shook my head and continued my way to the bathroom. No one was going to bother me tonight.

The knock came again, this time louder. I gritted my teeth and clenched my e-reader in my hand. I cursed myself for not putting the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door.

The knocking continued and with an exasperated sigh, I turned around and threw my e-reader on the bed. I cinched my robe tighter and padded barefoot to the door. I opened the peephole and peered outside. Fuck.

“Answer the door Lindsey,” he demanded, trying to peek in the small hole.

There stood Shaun in the hallway of my hotel room in Vegas. I wasn’t really surprised to see him there but that didn’t make me any less happy. He was a persistent asshole and I wouldn’t be surprised if my only way away from him was if one of us left this tour. I’d be damned if it was going to be me.

“I know you’re in there,” he muttered, rattling the doorknob. “Please talk to me.”

I sighed and leaned my forehead against the door. I couldn’t be sure he wouldn’t cause a scene if I chose to ignore him and hope he went away. I didn’t really want to open the door either. Maybe I should call hotel security before the situation got way out of control.

“I’ve changed, Linds. I only want to talk. Please, give me five minutes and then I’ll leave,” he pleaded through the door.

I didn’t really believe him and against my better judgment I put my hand on the door. I wouldn’t let him in my room; we could talk in the doorway. That should be safe. Right?

I opened the door slowly and leaned against the door frame. “What do you want, Shaun? I think I made it clear downstairs I wanted to be alone tonight.”

“You did,” he nodded, his gaze moving over me and I reached up to hold my robe closed. I should have put some clothes on. Standing here wearing only a robe made me feel vulnerable and probably gave him a few ideas; it wasn’t one of my smartest moves. “I only need a few minutes. I promise.”

“That’s all I’m giving you,” I said sternly, putting a hand on my hip with the other still clutched my robe tightly. “We’re over and I don’t really have anything more to say to you. I don’t appreciate you harassing me in the lobby this morning or coming to my room either.”

His brow furrowed and it as almost as though a dark cloud passed over his face. I thought he was going to lose his temper but he shoved his hands into his pocket. He rocked back on his heels and played with his tongue piercing – something he always did when he was nervous.

“I saw you the other night,” he said quietly.

“I know. We talked, remember?” I asked, a sense of panic coming over me. If he couldn’t even remember seeing me, he was crazier than I thought.

“No,” he shook his head. “I saw you withhim.” The words were full of venom and my knees started to tremble when I realized what he was talking about. He must have seen me with Cane the other night before we went back to the bus. Shit.

I had no idea what to say. Should I deny it? I had no reason to; we had done nothing wrong. Cane and I were consenting adults and Shaun and I were over for months; we hadn’t done anything wrong. On the other hand, I didn’t need him knowing my business.

“Don’t deny it,” he said. “I know what I saw. I saw the way you kissed him – the way you moaned and rubbing yourself against him like a fucking whore.” He leaned in closer, towering over me. “I watched you follow him back to his bus. You’re no better than one of his groupie whores. Did he pass you around to the rest of the band too?”

“There’s no reason to talk to me like that.” My shoulders slumped; there was no way I could deny it. Maybe he would go away if I admitted it. “So what if we fucked, Shaun? You and I aren’t together so it doesn’t matter.”

“Why would you be with him?” He asked, his eyes full of hurt. “He uses women. He fucks them and throws them away. He doesn’t care about you. Not like I do, Linds.” I cringed at the way he said the pet name he once had for me. He reached out a hand to touch me but I backed away.