“You told me that the door was unlocked and to come right in,” Chad groaned.

Did I? Hmm…that did sound a little familiar. Oopsies.

“I need water,” he croaked.

“Let’s see the damage.” I moved his hands away from his eyes. His whole face was red and puffy and covered in tears. “Wow, Ash. You must have hit him right in the sweet spot. Great technique.” I put my hand up for a high-five.

Ash reluctantly high-fived me. “Shouldn’t we be helping him?”

I waved her off. “He’ll be fine. He just needs boobs. #BoobsFixEverything. Here…help me drag him into our room.”

We each hooked an arm under his and dragged him in. A quick wipe with one of my makeup erasers got most of the pepper spray away from his eyes, and then I pulled my shirt off and let him bury his face in my tits.

“All better?” I asked after he’d been down there for like fifteen minutes.

He shook his head. “Not yet. But I think a back massage might help.”

“Well now you’re just milking it. So what is it that you have planned for tonight?”

He looked up at me from between my beautiful breasts. God, I’m so hot. Chad was so lucky to have me.

“Babe?” he asked.


“Do you wanna come?”

“Come where? Sorry, I got distracted by my tits.” I drummed on the tops of them. “Do you think they’re getting bigger?”

He smiled up at me. “Definitely. But as I was saying…my roommate helped me get punched by the Gryphon Club. And they’re throwing a party tonight to mingle with potential pledges.”

“And you want me to come help you impress them?”

“Exactly.” He checked his watch. “Shit. It’s getting late, but if we leave now, we should make it just in time.”

I stared at him. “Is the party in London?”


“Then why do we need to leave now? It’s only like an hour flight to Boston.”

“Right. But I drove. And I can’t just leave my car here.”

“Why not?” I asked.

“It’s a Porsche.”

“And…what’s the issue? Just buy a new one.”

Chad shook his head like I was being ridiculous. “I’m not gonna do that.”

“Well you can’t seriously think that I’d ride in a car for six hours. No one does that.”

“Babe, come on. It’ll be a fun little road trip.”

“Ew. What are we, homeless?”

“Road trips aren’t only for homeless people.”