“We might need his help,” corrected Chad.

Mike ignored him. “Sure thing. What can I do for you?”

Hot damn. This guy was giving me some serious big dick energy. I couldn’t wait to see what he was packing. “Long story short, Chad still needs to complete his initiation. But after his little mishap earlier, he can’t perform. So we’re looking for a stand-in.”

Mike looked confused at first. But that quickly turned into pure excitement. “You mean you need someone to fuck you?”

I nodded and gave him my sauciest smile.

“No,” said Chad. “No one’s fucking you. It’s only a blowjob.”

Mike took a deep breath and his abs tensed. God, he was so hot. “Well, either way, I’m happy to help.”

“I bet you are,” scoffed Chad.

“Let me just change back into my robes…” He walked over to his dresser as he started to strip off his jeans.

“What do you guys think?” asked Jack. “Pass or play?”


ad glared at Mike. “I don’t like this guy’s energy. Pass.”

I was about to protest, but then Mike turned around in only his briefs. And they showed everything. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much to show. Which was confusing. Because I’d been expecting his cock to be so big that it was hanging out the bottom of his briefs. And I was never wrong about such things. But the evidence was undeniable. Maybe he was a grower. But I wasn’t going to take that risk.

Oh well. On to the next guy.

“What’s going on?” asked Mike.

“Chad passed,” I said. “So it’s a no go. Sorry, dude.”

We all left and went to the next door. Jack knocked, but no one answered. And no one answered the next door either.

“Damn,” said Jack. “It’s slim pickings up here tonight. Everyone must already be down at the initiation after-party.” He knocked on another door and received no reply.

“Maybe we should go down to the party to find someone?” I asked.

“Those rooms are forbidden to non-members. So Chad wouldn’t be able to come. But if he doesn’t mind letting you choose…”

“No way,” said Chad. “Let’s keep looking up here.”

We went to the next door. And the next. But I wasn’t really paying attention anymore. I was more focused on the paintings of old members. And looking at the drawings on the white boards on each door. Mostly drawings of dicks. Some more impressive than others.

Wait a second!

I looked back at the door we’d just knocked on. The dick drawn on the whiteboard was absolutely massive. With thick veins that would rub me in all the right places. But what really got my attention was the note written above it. Or, more specifically…who the note was addressed to.


I was devastated that he hadn’t answered. But I refused to give up hope. “Damn,” I said. “This is taking forever. Maybe we should split up?”

Chad and Jack agreed and we all started knocking on doors.

Which gave me the perfect opportunity to double back to Adonis’ room.

I knocked on the door again, just to be sure. And when there was still no answer, I wrote him a little note on his whiteboard: “Hey, I need your help with something in the sex dungeon. Eggplant emoji, lips emoji. -Chastity.”

Writing out emoji didn’t have the same effect as a real emoji. But whatever, he’d get the point.