I went down the hall and knocked on the rest of the doors.

They were all empty. But then I heard voices coming from the last door on the hall.

“Hey guys!” I called. “I think I found someone!”

Chad and Jack rushed over.

“That’s the bathroom,” said Jack.

“Then I guess there’s no need to knock.” I pushed the door open and walked in. Ash had mentioned that the bathrooms in this place were like the world’s fanciest locker rooms, and she wasn’t wrong. Well, she was a little wrong. The locker rooms at Daddy’s country club were fancier than this. But not by much. So I’d give Ash a pass on this one.

In addition to being fancy, it was also huge. And all the lockers made the place like a maze. I took off down one row while Chad and Jack went to the sinks and stalls.

I didn’t find any hot boys, but I did come across a few sets of clothes draped on some benches. And then I heard the voices again. I followed the noise, and as I got closer, the air got thick with steam. And then I was at the shower entrance.

I couldn’t wait to see who was inside.

Chapter 14 - The Whole Quartet

Friday, Sept 20, 2013

I stepped in. It was a big communal shower with about a dozen showerheads around the perimeter. More importantly, three of those showerheads were occupied by hot naked men. I couldn’t decide which one I liked the most. They all had exceptional butts, but one of theirs was a little tanner than the rest. And I had a thing for tan butts with just the right amount of hair. Most importantly, a tan butt meant the man had to have been nude outside on the regular. And I was vibing that confidence.

“Dude,” the guy in the middle said as he rubbed a bar of soap all over his muscles. “Can you believe that idiot jizzed in his pants tonight?”

Tan Butt laughed. “Some guys just can’t handle perfection. Were we this lame when we went here?”

Went here? If these guys had already graduated, why were they in this shower? Oh wait, Jack had said that members flew in from all over the country for initiation. So that meant these guys were more…experienced. In every way. And I was here for that.

“I honestly don’t remember much of it,” the guy with the soap said. “We were all pretty high.”

The third guy squirted a huge glob of shampoo into his hands and started working it into a rich lather. “Even when I’m high, I’ve never jizzed in my pants. He didn’t deserve to fuck such a hot girl. But damn…I would have loved for him to last a little longer so we could’ve seen what was under her cape.”

“I know,” agreed Tan Butt. “Did you see the legs on her?” He whistled. “I bet her tits are amazing.”

“They are,” I said.

All three guys spun around with their hands over their junk. But they didn’t seem at all embarrassed. The one with the tan butt even gave me a sexy little smirk.

Oh my God. I recognized that smirk. He was James Hunter’s younger brother, Rob! And the other two were frequently featured with them in the tabloids. Mason Caldwell was the guy with shampoo in his hair. And the middle guy was his brother, Matthew.

They were basically NYC royalty. Their dads were two of the richest and most powerful men in New York. Other than Daddy, of course. He had more money than both of their families combined.

I was a little disappointed that James wasn’t with them, but it was hard to complain too much. Because these three were drool-worthy.

And I wanted to see if I could actually make them drool. They’d asked to see my tits. I could play along. “Wanna see?” I asked and gestured to my tits.

“Holy shit,” said Rob as he gave me the up down.

I wanted to scream “play” but Chad wasn’t here. Actually, I wanted all three of them to come with me. The Caldwells both had strong, wide shoulders. And the abs on all three of them…yup…eight abs. And I bet there were eight inches behind their hands. I was about to find out.

I started to pull my cloak open, but then I stopped. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”

Mason was the first to move his hands. But all the shampoo had created a giant ball of suds on his junk. He winked at me.

The other two moved their hands too.

Oh damn.