Oh, I knew what was going on. He’d been away from me all day. And he just wanted some attention. Traveling all day on the open road with vagabonds must have been a little straining. I stood up on my tiptoes and kissed him.
His arms instinctively wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer. Teddybear was so territorial sometimes. It was one of the many qualities of his that I appreciated. But I didn’t have time to spare right now. He could have his way with me once we were back home. I gave him one last kiss and pulled back. “Everything is fine.”
“I hope you’re right.”
“I am. Now let’s let Chad in and go have a dance party in the library!”
The dance party was extremely lame. We couldn’t get far enough away from a librarian to actually play music, so we all just pretended to dance.
But I didn’t really care. I was just daydreaming of Adonis the entire time anyway.
“It’s the moment of truth,” whispered Scooter as we neared the exit. “If Adonis isn’t waiting outside…” He stared at Ash.
“He’ll be there,” she said. But her voice did not sound confident.
He smiled. “I see what’s going on here. You just wanted an excuse to climb this beef tower. So you made a dumb bet.”
“That is definitely not what is happening,” I said. “You really should have more faith in Chad. I mean…would I really date someone lame?”
“I’m still trying to figure that out. There’s no way that Adonis is showing up, though. He was definitely trying to give that football to you. I doubt he even knows who Chad is.”
“We’ll see about that. Ash, will you be taking your winnings via PayPal or do you prefer cash?”
“Cash will do,” she said.
Scooter laughed. And then his jaw dropped. Because Adonis was standing outside the library.
I knew he was huge, but he looked even bigger now that he wasn’t down on a football field surrounded by other players. And he was rocking the hell out of those jeans.
I ran over to him. “Fancy meeting you here.”
He smiled down at me. “I was surprised to hear from you. When that random asshole snatched the ball from you I thought I’d missed my chance.”
“Your chance at what?”
His eyes scanned my body. “Getting to know you.”
“Mhm. Sure.”
“Hey man,” said Chad. “Thanks for coming.”
Adonis looked deeply confused as Chad pulled him in for a bro hug.
“These chumps didn’t believe we were friends. Can you believe that?”
“Who are you again?” asked Adonis.
“Chad. You know. From the dining hall. We were joking about how chickpeas look like squirrel testicles. Oh, right. You probably don’t recognize me in this.” Chad pointed to his thong and laughed. “It’s a final club thing.”
Shakespeare flipped through his book. “Is this a dagger which I see before you, the handle toward your hand?”
“Is that your way of saying that Adonis definitely has no idea who Chad is?” whispered Scooter.
“Of course he knows who I am,” said Chad.
“What do you guys think,” asked Scooter. “Should Chad be addressing Adonis as a person of authority?”