“NO!” she mouthed back.

I slid her my phone with the screen open to the text that I’d just sent to Adonis: “I’d love to thank you properly for giving me the game ball today. Meet me and my girls outside the library in ten minutes.” There were a few kiss emojis at the end, but what would really seal the deal was the super cute selfie of me from the football game that I’d attached.

“You better be right,” said Ash.

“Of course I’m right. There’s no way Adonis won’t drop everything to hang out with his boy Chad.”

Chad gave me a big smile. “Thanks, babe. At least someone here believes in me.”

The limo rolled to a stop outside the library, and just like I’d requested, Teddybear was waiting for us in Chad’s Porsche that he’d driven back from Newark. It was a sports car, and it was worth more than $100K, so we all stood in front of it for a picture.

“Five pictures down, five to go,” I said. The only pictures we still needed were of us dancing in the library, one of us getting a piggyback ride from the captain of the football team, the John Harvard statue, something heinous, and a gryphon statue. The library and John Harvard were right here, there were plenty of gryphon statues back at the club, and Adonis showing up would take care of the other two. We were definitely gonna win. “To the library!” I yelled and we all took off.

I had a hunch that the librarian at the front desk wouldn’t appreciate Chad’s thong, so while most of the team went to scout out a good spot for the dance party, Teddybear and I went to let Chad in a side door.

“How was the drive?” I asked.

“Fine,” replied Teddybear as we turned down a hallway.

“Anything exciting happen?”


“So you didn’t get waylaid by any ruffians on the highway? Or encounter any bears?” I didn’t know what kind of things happened while driving on a highway, but I assumed it was wild and dangerous.


“You’re acting weird. Which makes me think you’re lying. Oh! I know what happened. You got pulled over and had to give the officer a blowjob, didn’t you? Speaking of which…Chad almost got arrested for prancing around in his little thong. It was amazing.”

Teddybear pinched the bridge of his nose. “I didn’t blow any officers.”

“Lame.” We turned down another hall and arrived at the emergency exit. “Ah, finally! Chad should be right out there.” I went to open the door, but Teddybear put his massive hand out to keep it shut.

“Something actually did happen.”

“I knew it! Tell me everything.”

“So I did get pulled over.”

“I knew you blew a cop!”

“No. He let me off with a warning. No blowjobs were involved. But when I went into the glove compartment to grab the registration, I found some documents.” He paused. “Case law related to invalidating prenuptial agreements.”

“Chad’s parents are getting divorced?”

Teddybear shook his head. “That wasn’t all. There were also a few collection notices. So I made a few calls, and it seems like the Chadwicks are flirting with bankruptcy. Chastity, I’m so sorry, but I think that Chad’s proposal to you is part of a scheme to steal your money.”

I laughed. “Aw. Teddybear! That’s so cute that you’re trying to break me and Chad up. But I promise there’s nothing to worry about. Chad didn’t propose to me. It was just a promise ring.” I went to open the door, but he stopped me again.

“Are you sure? Chastity, I’m worried…”

“Teddybear, there’s no need to worry about me. I have everything under control.”

“But I really think…”

“And even if everything you said was accurate, it wouldn’t matter. Because after we win this scavenger hunt, Chad is gonna get into the Gryphon Club. And the Gryphon Club wouldn’t dare let one of its members go bankrupt. It would be a black stain on their reputation.”

He just stared at me, still blocking my path from opening the door.