Chad sighed and I felt his hands relax.
“I don’t know,” he said. “I mean…how would you feel if you had to watch some hot girl give me a blowjob?”
Wasn’t he already doing that whenever we weren’t together? Sillykins. There was no reason to put on a show for me. “To get me into a secret club that I’d been dreaming of joining my entire life? I wouldn’t even have to think twice about it. Of course I’d let you.” I smiled up at him and batted my lashes.
And I knew I’d won. Not that my victory was ever in question. I always won.
“Fine,” said Chad.
“But I have three conditions.”
“First, I want to choose the guy. I don’t want this asshole bringing in some amateur pornstar with a huge dick or some shit like that.”
Ooooh! I love the sound of that. But I was willing to compromise. “I should have a say too. It’s my mouth.”
“Works for me,” agreed Jack. “But you’ll have to choose from the guys in the building. There’s no time to screw around here. What’s your next condition?”
“I refuse to call anyone else Daddy tonight.”
“To free you from your pledge requirement is highly irregular. But I guess it would be pretty awkward for you to call a guy Daddy while your girlfriend sucks him off. So I’ll allow it.”
“And your final condition?” I asked.
“After this is over,” said Chad, “I want to have a hall pass.”
I thought we already had an unlimited amount of those? “Sure. I mean…I don’t love the idea of you with another woman. But I refuse to give up on your dreams. So you have yourself a deal. Now can we please get started?” I gestured to the clock. We had a little over an hour until the clock struck midnight.
“Great,” said Jack. “Let’s go find our lucky guy.”
Chad followed Jack out of his room, but I hung back to check my outfit in the mirror. I made sure my boobs looked amazing in my bra, and then I pulled my cloak tight around myself. Chad had cum so quickly that I hadn’t gotten to do my big reveal for him. But that was okay, because I’d still get to do it for someone else.
I touched up my crimson lipstick and then headed out into the hall.
The boys had stopped in front of the door next to Jack’s. The little whiteboard hanging on the door looked horribly out of place next to the old paintings and golden sconces that lined the hallway.
Please be hot. Please be hot, I thought as Jack knocked.
And my wish was definitely granted. I almost had to cross my legs when the door opened. Because damn. He was straight out of a magazine. Seriously. His face was model-perfect. And as my eyes scanned down his shirtless torso, I got even more excited. Rock hard pecs. Eight perfectly sculpted abs. And he was rocking the hell out of a pair of jeans.
“Hey, Jack,” he said in the world’s deepest voice. “What’s up?”
Jack shook hands with him. “I wanted to introduce you to my new friends, Chad and Chastity. Guys, this is Mike.”
“Nice to meet you,” said Mike. He shook hands with Chad and then turned to me. “Wait a second, I recognize you. You were the gift tonight. And he was the initiate.”
“Yup!” I said. “That was us.”
“I have to say, that was one hell of a performance. I’ve seen a lot of initiations, and I’ve never seen a girl twerk so hard that the pledge jizzed his pants.”
“Aw, thanks. But you should have seen what I had planned next.”
“I wish I had.” The smile he gave me would have made my panties fly off…if I’d been wearing any. But I wasn’t. #GeneralThunderstick.
“We need your help,” I said.