“Nope,” said Chad. “There’s no way I’d let you fuck some random dude.”
“Let me? You act like I want to do this. That would be so naughty!” I tried to hide my smile. “But I’m the best girlfriend ever, so I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make your dreams come true. And getting into the Gryphon Club has always been your dream.” And fucking a stranger in front of you has always been a dream of mine.
Chad shook his head. “Of course I want to be a member. But I’ll have another chance to join next year.”
“I’m afraid not,” said Jack. “Pledges have one shot at initiation. If the ceremony isn’t complete by the time the clock strikes midnight, it’s over.”
“Oh well. It’s not worth letting Chastity cheat on me.”
“Who said anything about cheating?” I asked. “It’s just part of a ceremony.”
“It’s still cheating.”
“Oh really? So when you were getting a lap dance from me a few minutes ago, that was cheating?”
“No. Because it was you giving me the lap dance.”
“Right. But you didn’t know it was me.”
“Of course I did.”
I stared at him. “Did you though? Because you nearly tripped over a candle and lit the entire sex dungeon on fire when I took my hood off.”
“Okay, fine. Maybe I didn’t know it was you. But it was just a lap dance. You’re talking about having sex with someone.”
“I actually might have a solution for that,” said Jack.
“Oh?” I asked.
“Yeah. I just need to make a quick call.” He pulled out his phone and walked to the corner of his room.
I tried to listen, but I couldn’t quite make out what he was saying.
“Okay,” he said a minute later. He walked back over to us and put his arm around Chad. “I’ve got some great news for you, my man. I just talked to the Grand Gryphon, and he’s agreed to let us do this without all the spectators. So no one but us will know it happened.”
“Uh, cool,” said Chad. “Still not happening.”
“That’s not all. He also said a blowjob can count as sex.”
Chad got up and pulled on my arm. “Come on, babe. Let’s get out of here.”
“But didn’t you hear him?” I asked. “I don’t even have to fuck anyone.” Darn it. “I’ll just give a quick blowjob and then you’ll be a member of the Gryphon Club!”
“I know it’s a little weird,” said Jack. “But it’s not like she’s never blown anyone else, right?”
“Of course she hasn’t. I was her first.”
Huh? Surely he didn’t actually believe that. He must have just been trying to show off for Jack.
“And have you ever gotten a blowjob from someone else?” asked Jack.
“Yeah. But that was before we met…”
“Then it’s only fair if she evens things up.”
Chad balled his fists. “Fuck you.”
I stepped between them to try to calm things down. “Babe, this isn’t about evening things up. I got us into this mess by twerking too hard on you. And I’ll never forgive myself if that’s the reason why you don’t get into the Gryphon Club.” I looked up at him with big sad eyes and grabbed his hands. “Please let me do this for you.”