“Only 200 pages?” I asked. “This’ll be easy.”

He tilted his head.

“Don’t doubt her,” said Chad. “She’s a freaking genius.”

“I hope you’re right.”

I bet you do. Because if I found a loophole, Chad woul

d become a member. And then he’d get to cash in that invitation.

I curled up on his bed and cracked the book open.

“Aha!” I yelled thirty minutes later. I was kind of ashamed that it had taken me so long, but I’d found the loophole.

And it was a fun one.

Chapter 13 - Pass or Play

Friday, Sept 20, 2013

“What’s the loophole?” asked Chad.

“It’s funny. I just read every rule in this book. But the whole time the loophole was right in the rule that…” I looked at the punch master. “What’s your name again?”


“Nice to meet you, Jack.” Again. “Anyway, the loophole was right in the rule that Jack quoted to us earlier. Rule #54a: An initiation video must feature the pledge, sex with his gift, and ejaculation.”

“And…?” asked Chad.

These boys were so dense. “It never states that the pledge has to be the one having sex with his gift. Or that he has to be the one ejaculating.”

“But you’re the gift.”

“I am.”

“But that would mean…” A look of shock spread across his face. “Are you seriously suggesting that I should just sit here while you go fuck some random dude in that weird sex dungeon?”

“Of course not!”

“Thank God.” He let out a huge sigh.

“There’s no way I’d leave you up here and not let you watch. And anyway, Rule #54a requires that the pledge be in the video.”

Chad laughed. “Very funny. Seriously, though. We don’t have much time. What’s the loophole?”

I stared at him. “That is the loophole.”

“It’s definitely against the spirit of the initiation,” said Jack. “But I can’t argue with your logic. I’ll allow it.”

“I bet you will,” Chad scoffed. “Let me guess…you’ll be happy to step in and be the one to fuck her?”

“Babe, don’t be rude. Jack’s been doing everything he can to help you get initiated.”

“Yeah,” agreed Jack, trying his best to hide the excitement in his voice.

“But of course Jack isn’t going to fuck me. Him doing so might be construed as him taking a bribe, which would be a clear violation of Rule #87b. Or at the very least it would be viewed as a conflict of interest. Either way, it would risk invalidating the whole initiation.” Really, Jack would have been the perfect choice. I’d been dreaming of riding his cock ever since our little bathroom encounter. But my leverage over him - the way I’d made this initiation happen so quickly - was that he desperately wanted to fuck me. And right now, he could only do that by making Chad a member and then cashing in on that invitation. So my body was off limits to him. For now.