He looked excited. But also a little terrified.

For a second I thought he might get stage fright. But then I pictured my current outfit and realized that him not getting a boner would be literally impossible once I tore off this cape.

I circled around him, slowly tracing my gloved hands over his chest and his back muscles. Not bad, but nothing compared to Adonis’. Speaking of which…

I looked around to see if Adonis was in the crowd. There were definitely one or two guys that were tall enough to be him. But the dim light combined with the hoods and masks made it impossible for me to be sure.

I did another circle around Chad, and then I started to go in for the kiss. At the last second, I pulled back and pushed on his chest. He stumbled backwards, tripping over a stone step, landing on the big round bed. I stepped up in front of him, pushed my cape to the side, and started grinding on him reverse cowgirl.

He got harder with each pop of my hips.

“Oh God,” he moaned.

You like that?

I shifted a little so that even more of my weight was on top of him. And then I started twerking like this was my audition for a rap video.

Actually…if I’d been auditioning for a rap video, I definitely would have just immediately dropped to my knees and started sucking his cock. But this performance required a bit more nuance. I needed to honor the sanctity of this sex altar with a proper lap dance before I got to the good stuff.

I arched my back and really pressed up on him.

Chad groaned again. And then his whole body shook. “Oh fuck,” he muttered.

And then I felt a wet spot on his robes.

That little idiot just came in his robes!

I mean, I couldn’t really blame him. My lap dances were hot fire. But seriously…in front of all his new brothers? Before I even took off my cape? So embarrassing. I couldn’t let them find out.

Which meant I had to get him hard again as quickly as possible. And in the process, I couldn’t let them see the cum stain on his white linen robe.

I kept twerking on him. But he just got more and more flaccid with each movement.

I wasn’t really surprised. Some guys could cum lots in a short period of time. But Chad? His refractory period was like 48 hours.

Damn it!

I busted out my best moves, but nothing was working.

And then the chant slowly changed from some Latin nonsense to “Fuck her, fuck her.” It got louder and louder the more Chad refused to comply.

The punch master motioned to one of the brothers, who immediately stepped forward and yanked on my cloak. And then he stopped. “Hold on,” he said. “I think he might have cum in his robes.”

The punch master stood up and the chanting stopped. “Stand up, pledge,” he demanded.

I moved to the side and Chad got to his feet, holding his hands over his junk.

“Move your hands.”

He did. Some of the hooded figures laughed at the sight of the little wet spot on his crotch. The linen did absolutely nothing to hide the stain. If anything, it made it more obvious.

“Womp womp” said one of the hoods.

“Really, dude?” said another.

“Can’t blame him,” added a third. “She’s a fucking 10.”

Aw, thanks!