The punch master shook his head and scratched at his face. “I hate to say this, but you’re all dismissed.”

The hoods all filed out of the room, leaving me and Chad alone in the sex dungeon with the punch master.

“So…is my initiation complete?” asked Chad.

“I’m afraid so,” said the punch master. “And it did not end successfully.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Believe me, I was rooting for you more than anyone. But the rules are very strict. Members fly in from all over the country for initiations. So if a pledge refuses or is unable to complete the initiation ceremony before midnight, then they are unworthy of joining the brotherhood. Period. Full stop. Done.”

Oooh! Does that mean James Hunter flew in for this event?

“But I did complete it,” said Chad. “Even though it was a bit premature, it should still count, right?”

“I usually wouldn’t tell you this. But I feel for you. So I’m gonna let you in on a little secret about the brotherhood.” He gestured to me. “This beautiful woman was a gift, yes. But she also served a more sinister purpose. Have you ever seen the movie The Firm?”


“In it, a young lawyer goes on vacation and is seduced by a beautiful woman. But the twist is that she was hired by his new law firm to get pictures of him being unfaithful, which they could then use as blackmail if he ever stepped out of line.”

“Oh right,” said Chad. “I remember that. Great movie.”

“Indeed. Now, since all of our pledges are college students, we don’t get too caught up about the whole unfaithful part. But we do still film the initiation and cut it to make it look like you’re part of a sex cult. And once our members graduate and become successful politicians and titans of industry, these tapes are exactly the sort of thing that the media would have an absolute field day with. We’re talking front page of every major newspaper. Stocks losing millions. CEOs getting fired. Polling numbers taking a nosedive. That sort of thing. But as long as you stay faithful to the brotherhood, then you never have to worry about the tape leaking.”

Damn. That’s so smart! Sex tape blackmail was the best type of blackmail. Which was why I’d used it to get Teddybear and Ghostie to fall into line.

“What’s the problem then?” asked Chad. “You got a great sex tape of me.”

“Sorry, man, but you creaming your robes isn’t exactly a sex tape.”

“You’re right. It wasn’t a sex tape. But it was still perfect blackmail. You think I’d want this video ever seeing the light of day? Hell no.”

“I can’t argue with that. But again, rules are rules. And Rule #54a of the Brotherhood handbook is very specific: An initiation video must feature the pledge, sex with his gift, and ejaculation.”

I pulled my hood back. “I’m so sorry, babe. I shouldn’t have twerked so hard on you.”

“Chastity?!” yelled Chad. He jumped and narrowly avoided turning the hundreds of candles on the floor into dominos.

I laughed. “Of course it’s me. Wait…who did you think was grinding all up on you like that?”

Chad coughed. “Oh. No. I totally knew it was you. I just got distracted by all this sex tape stuff and assumed you’d left.”

I stared at him. “Mhm. Suuuuure you did.” I turned to the punch master. I knew he didn’t want to have to disqualify Chad, because that meant he’d never get to use that invitation. And that would be devastating for him. So I had all the leverage. “Here’s an idea. How about we forget this never happened, regroup tomorrow, and take another shot at it? Next time I’ll try to take it easy with the lap dance.” Although I couldn’t make any promises. My lap dances were amazing whether I tried or not.

The punch master shook his head. “No can do. The rules specify that once the initiation ceremony begins, it must be completed by midnight.”

“And what time is it now?”

He motioned to a giant clock built into the back wall of the sex dungeon. “Almost 10.”

“Then we still have two hours to find a loophole. Where can I get a copy of this dumb rule book?”

“I have one in my room.”

“Then let’s go!”

We followed him through the mansion halls up to his room and he tossed me a skinny little book.