I didn’t know when he’d started doing this high-pitched scream, but I was not loving it.
“It’s okay,” I said. “It’s just Ghostie.”
“What the hell was he doing in the cargo hold?”
I shrugged. “I think he likes it down there or something. You know how Ghostie gets. Always being so extra.”
Ghost growled.
Chad took a moment to compose himself and then crawled into the hold.
“Which suitcase is it?” he called back to me.
“The pink one.”
“There are eight of those.”
“Just grab them all.” I didn’t actually bring a cheerleader outfit, but I would make something work. I’d heard some of the football players were in the Gryphon Club, so a sexy little outfit was the perfect way to make a good first impression.
Chapter 5 - The Three Headed Monster
Saturday, Sept 14, 2013
“Where are we going?” I asked.
“I think I see some seats up there,” replied Chad, pointing wayyyyy up to the very back of the stadium.
Say what? I wasn’t gonna sit in the back row like a loser. I was gonna sit in the front row. And if I was lucky, the quarterback would notice me and invite me into the locker room after the game. Rumor had it that he was very well endowed.
“Wait here.” I walked down to the front row and found a group of 6 nerdy looking dudes. “Hey boys,” I said.
They all just stared at my tits. Which made sense, because the outfit I’d thrown together was amazing. I’d cut up a red Odegaard dress to turn it into a super low cut little crop top.
one of the guys tried to say something, but his voice caught in his throat.
“Mind if me and my friends sit here?”
He nodded and pushed his friends down the bench. But it wasn’t nearly enough room. Scooter alone wouldn’t have even fit on the little bit of bench they’d vacated.
“Could you guys actually just move somewhere else? If you do, I’ll text you a pic of my boobs later.”
I’d never seen someone get out of their seat so quickly. For a second they even forgot to give me a phone number to send my boob pic to, but then one of them sprinted back down the stairs and gave me a little slip of paper with a number written on it.
I waved for everyone to come and join me.
“Wow,” said Chad. “How’d you get those guys to move?”
“You offer blowjob?” asked Slavanka, miming a blowjob.
Chad shot her a look. “She better not have. Or some nerds are gonna get their asses beat.”
“Relax, babe. I’m not gonna blow any nerds today.” A football player, though? Maybe. I looked down at the field to see if the rumors about the quarterback were true, but Harvard’s defense was on the field. And they sucked, so no blowjobs for them. Seriously - they’d already let Cornell score 35 points. And by the looks of it…they were probably going to give up another touchdown after that last catch gained 20 yards. Seriously…that guy had been wide open!
“Don’t turn around,” said a gruff voice behind us.
I turned around to see who the sexy voice belonged to. But he wasn’t sexy. Or at least…I couldn’t tell if he was sexy or not. Because he was disguised as the Harvard mascot, John the Pilgrim, complete with an oversized foam mask and a big maroon tricorn.