He didn’t respond, so I looked up at him. There was heat in his gaze. It was like he was willing me to remember. But there was nothing there. No recognition of his features. No feeling when he looked at me. Nothing.
“It’s a long story,” he finally said.
“I’m stuck in a hospital. I probably have time for it.”
He shook his head. “You didn’t like our age difference. You’re not going to like this either.”
“How bad could it be?” Maybe he just didn’t remember what he was supposed to say. Actors forgot their lines all the time.
“I don’t think it’s bad. And neither do you.” He stared at me. “Neither did you, I mean.” But the expression on his face made it seem like it was really bad.
“What, did I steal you from someone else?” I laughed because the idea was absolutely preposterous.
He lowered both his eyebrows. “No.”
But for some reason I didn’t believe him. Maybe it was the pause. Maybe it was the way he looked offended when I’d asked. Oh my God, did I steal him from someone else? I shook my head. Of course I hadn’t. I didn’t even know him. He was probably married to some Hollywood actress and obviously someone like me wouldn’t be able to steal him away even if I tried. Not that I wanted to. But still, I was curious about why he looked so upset. It didn’t look like he was acting.
Before I could ask him any more questions the door flew open.
A man I had never seen in my life ran over to my bed and threw his arms around me. His hair was wet like he had just taken a shower. The t-shirt that clung to his broad shoulders was as wet as his hair. Like he had thrown it on instead of drying off with a towel.
“You scared me half to death, sis.” He kissed my cheek before pulling back. “You look okay. Do you feel okay?” He pulled me into another hug. “I’m so fucking happy you’re okay.”
Sis? I wasn’t missing seven years of my life and there was no chance I had a sibling I didn’t know about. Especially one older than me who looked nothing like me.
“Really, how are you feeling?” He put both his hands on my shoulders and stared at me intently.
Who the hell is this person? The intensity in his eyes suddenly looked familiar. I studied his features and glanced at my pretend husband. They looked similar. Maybe this was James’ brother? Which meant I was this man’s fake sister-in-law? “Umm...I’m good. Trying to get out of here as soon as possible.” I laughed awkwardly.
“Yeah, I know how you hate hospitals. But you’re awake and everything now so you’ll probably get out in a beat. I’m just so fucking glad you’re okay.” He pulled me into another hug. “I never would have been able to forgive myself.”
“Robert Hunter!” A very pregnant woman stumbled into the room completely out of breath. “I was trying to talk to you.”
“It can wait,” he said. He released me from his embrace but kept staring at me instead of the pregnant woman. “Scarlett’s doing okay. She’s in the waiting room and I know she wants to see you. And we’ve been looking in on Liam every day. He’s strong. I know he’s gonna make it. You’re all fighters.” He tapped the bottom of my chin.
“Who are Scarlett and Liam?”
His lips parted like he was about to tell me something. But then he started laughing. “Good one, sis.” The pregnant woman walked up behind him and pulled him away from me with surprising strength.
She started whispering something to him, moving her arms around in agitation.
“No.” He laughed. “You’re shitting me. Penny tell them what’s up. Tell them you know who I am.”
Who is this person? “Someone called you Robert Hunter? I’m guessing you two are related somehow.” I gestured back and forth between him and James.
He laughed again but it sounded forced. “Very funny. If you’re getting me back for all the times I’ve messed with you…”
“This isn’t a joke, Rob,” the woman hissed. “She doesn’t remember us. She doesn’t even remember James.”
Rob looked at James and shook his head. “That can’t be true. She’s just…that’s not true. Tell them, Penny.”
I didn’t know what to say, so I just shrugged my shoulders.
“This isn’t funny,” he said. “My jokes are at least funny. Cut it out.”
“We’re just going to take a minute.” The woman pulled Rob toward the door. “We’ll be back.” They disappeared into the hall.
I looked over at James. “Are you related to him?”