He sighed. “I’m too old to play games…”
“You’re only 23.”
“Tell me what you want, Addy.” His voice was demanding. He didn’t sound 23. He sounded strong and competent and so sexy.
You. I wanted anything he’d give me. Everything he’d give me. But I couldn’t say that. “A burger.”
“That wasn’t what I was expecting you to say.”
“When do I ever say anything you expect me to say?”
“Fair point.”
“I want one of the burgers like the one you brought me the other day. I’m starving…”
“Then let’s go eat.” He put his hand out for me.
I stared at it. I felt like I was imagining this moment. “Are you asking me out to dinner?”
He smiled. “Yes, Addy. I’m asking you out to dinner.”
I glanced toward the school. No one else was walking or driving this way. He must have left the meeting early too.
I put my hand into his and I did my best not to cry. Because I wasn’t sure my hand had ever felt so comforted by someone else’s.
Chapter 16
“So you live in my neighborhood.” I took a sip of my water.
My stomach growled again. The burger joint smelled amazing. I was practically drooling. But it could have been because of the man across from me. I put my elbows on the table and leaned forward. It was very unladylike, and I didn’t care. I just wanted to be closer to him.
“Or one could say that you live in mine.”
I laughed. “I’m sorry. I just assumed…”
“And that’s why I called you stuck up.”
“I guess I deserved that.” I leaned even closer to him. “And I’m sorry.” I was. When had I become so pretentious? I was basically a gawker.
“Apology accepted.”
I smiled. “Your house, though. It was so…white.”
“I know you well enough now to know that your compliments are always backhanded.”
“But really, Ben…it’s hardly a bachelor pad.”
“Why should it be? I don’t want to be a bachelor forever. I’m looking for something lasting. Like I said earlier, I’m not into playing games.”
We’d only been apart for a day. He looked good. Better if that was possible. The day apart had been agonizing for me. Like nails on a chalkboard bad. I had even rummaged around in the medicine cabinet to see if there was anything to numb the pain. It was a low moment. And luckily, there hadn’t been any old prescriptions.
It seemed like he was waiting for me to say something. He had given me the perfect opportunity to tell him I was married. I took the silence that stretched between us to take a sip of my chocolate milkshake. “This is so good.” I immediately took another sip.
He laughed. “You’re doing that thing again.”
“What thing?”
“Using food to make me fall in love with you.”