“So you think that because I own a landscaping company that I can’t afford a house in this neighborhood?”
“I didn’t say that, but…”
“That was my house. I like things clean.”
“I’ve run past that house every day for a year. You and your truck are only ever there on Thursday mornings.”
“And I’m the stalker?”
I ignored his comment. “Fine. Whatever. I stalked you. But at least I’m not lying. You do lawn care at that house. There’s no way you own it. I’d know.”
“Owning a landscaping company means I need to go to other houses during the day. Thursday mornings I take off to make sure my property looks good. What kind of landscaper would I be if my own lawn was a mess?”
“I’ve been by at night a few times…”
“When I park my truck in the garage. Because I don’t need my tools from it.”
“If it’s your house then…then…where is my shoe?”
“What shoe?”
“My sneaker. You took it off of me so I could ice my ankle. And I left it in that house. If you lived there you would have brought it back to me.”
“I haven’t seen your sneaker.”
“Then you don’t live there.”
“I do live there.”
“Then you stole my shoe!” Oh my God. How loudly did I say that? No one seemed to be staring at me besides for Ben.
“I haven’t stolen your sneaker. You can even come look for it if you’d like.”
“You’re just trying to get me back to your place. Or someplace. Whatever that place is. Oh my god, do you run a porn factory there while the owners are away?”
“What? No. To both things.”
I swallowed hard and turned to him. “No?” I had never hated that word so much.
“I heard you loud and clear the other day. You wanted a friend and I crossed the line. I’m sorry about that. Seeing you here was a coincidence. But I thought I’d take the opportunity to apologize. End of our story. Just like you want.”
End of our story. I blinked at him. Great. End of our fucking story then. “Awesome. Well, it was great knowing you, Ben. I hope you have fun on your date with Sally’s daughter. And just for the record, she lives with her mother.”
I grabbed my purse and slid out of my seat. I was such an idiot. I had been so happy to see him. And he was probably pissed that I was here. I crossed my arms to hide my rings and practically ran out of gymnasium.
I didn’t get far before my ankle gave out. Damn it. I sat down on a curb, pulled off my rings, and shoved them into my purse. I wanted to go back to last Wednesday. Before I had heard his voice. Before I had felt his touch. I wanted the memories to go away.
The leaves crunched beneath me as I leaned back into the grass. What a lie. I needed to savor those few good memories if I wanted to keep breathing. My eyes focused on the stars above me and I made a wish. A stupid wish that a stupid girl might make. Let him chase after me.
But I wasn’t in a rom-com. If anything I was in a horror movie. And a knight in shining armor wasn’t going save me. And a prince wasn’t going to bring me my missing shoe. The stars started to blur above me.
“I don’t want this to be the end of our story. I said that because I thought it was what you wanted…” Ben blocked out my view of the stars. The sight of him was more glorious than any starlit sky.
“I lied.”
Because I’m so scared. I shrugged my shoulders. Ow.