Page 13 of Let Them Talk

“Take it from me, having a tarnished reputation isn’t all bad,”     Laura said, dismissing the statement with the wave of her hand. “Sure, I’m the     first to get blamed, which is annoying, but after a few years I learned how to     work it to my advantage.”

“A good reputation isn’t that great, either,” Isabel said.     “There are definitely some benefits that I’ve taken for granted, but it can box     you in. You don’t have a reputation to worry about, Sydney. No one knows about     your past.”

“And because they don’t know me, they will think that diary is     the real me.” She’d planned to stay in Seedling for at least a couple of years     while she restarted her career. How could she live in a small town where     everyone had the wrong idea about her? “I can tell everyone otherwise, but I     doubt they’d believe it.”

“Okay, this is what we’re going to do,” Laura announced as she     retrieved her cell phone from her skirt pocket. “I’m going to call the diner and     see if the notebook turned up.”

“Good idea.” Isabel paused as she gave the situation some     thought. “Sydney, you will need to stay away from Matthew.”

“I can’t do that. It’s my job to report on local     government.”

“You know you have to keep your distance.” Isabel gave Sydney     another pat on her arm. “Email or text with Matthew until this blows over. Trade     off assignments with Wendy and let her know why.”

She ignored the disappointment radiating through her chest. She     wanted to be around Matthew Stone constantly. And she’d wanted to avoid saying     anything to Wendy, but she agreed it had to be done. Sydney hoped her boss would     understand. “I dread that conversation. She took a chance on me.”

“Knowing Wendy, I bet she’ll get a laugh out of it,” Isabel     said. “Don’t worry, it’s just temporary until we find the notebook.”

“You’re right,” Sydney admitted with a tight smile. All they     had to do was find the notebook.

But what if someone has already discovered it?

* * *

MATTHEW CROSSED THE town square and strode to the     city hall. He should be tired, having spent yesterday working on his mayoral     duties and last night dealing with business for the family orchard, but the     anticipation of tonight whipped through him—he would see Sydney.

“Good morning, Matty.” Father Evans wore a bright green     tracksuit as he jogged past him. “Are you going to the kids’ baseball game     tonight?”

“I can’t wait.” Matthew’s smile was wide as he called after the     other man. “I’ll see you there.”

His phone vibrated, indicating he had received a text. His     pulse kicked hard when he realized it was from Sydney. Matthew slowed to a halt     and frowned as he read the brief message. She was canceling on him.

He exhaled sharply as his shoulders sagged. It may be true that     Wendy had to change Sydney’s assignment but his gut said otherwise.

Matthew glanced up just as the teenage Turner brothers gave him     the thumbs-up as they strolled past him. What was that about?

He was about to reply to Sydney’s text but decided to wait. His     first instinct was to convince her to meet with him tonight. He could use all of     his persuasive skills. But something told him it wouldn’t work this time. He’d     scared her off.

Matthew closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead as he     considered where he’d gone wrong. Sydney Tate was a city girl, used to     sophisticated men, and he had proven how rough and primitive he could be. It was     just as well. He had his own reasons for staying away.

Matthew was jerked out of his thoughts when someone gave him a     friendly slap on the back. “Attaboy, Little Matty,” one of his grandfather’s     friends said. “Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do.”

Matthew stared at Mr. Martinez. The elderly man wore his usual     T-shirt, baggy shorts, black socks and sandals. “Excuse me?”