Page 14 of Let Them Talk

“I was worried all those uptight voters would try to stomp out     your spirit. I’m glad you proved me wrong.”

What was he talking about? “”

“You surprised me.” Martinez gave a cackling laugh that turned     into a cough. “Definitely surprised me.”

Matthew scratched his head as he watched the man shuffle away.     It was an unusual and random vote of confidence, but he’d take it.

As Matthew walked into the old brick building, he became more     aware of the sly winks and wide smiles. He recognized those looks. Everything     from the pinched glare of disapproval from Miss Fisher at the information desk     to the comical wagging of the security guard’s eyebrows. He used to get those     looks all the time when he ran wild, caused trouble and earned his reputation as     a ladies’ man.

But he hadn’t done anything lately to deserve it. Matthew     frowned. Had someone seen him kissing Sydney yesterday? That was possible.     Nothing was secret in Seedling. But it had only been a kiss.

A wild kiss. A hot and passionate kiss that had turned him     inside out. A kiss that had made Sydney back off.

The kiss would raise some eyebrows, but it wouldn’t cause this     reaction.

Or would it because he was the mayor? He wanted to growl with     frustration. With the last mayor leaving amid a Seedling-style sex scandal,     Matthew had to be on his best behavior. This was as good as it was going to     get.

He saw his administrative assistant leaving the mayor’s office     suite. The woman was as formal as he was casual with her tight bun, brown     pantsuit and polished shoes. “Tanya, people are acting strange today,” Matthew     said as he approached her. “Do you know what that’s about?”

Tanya didn’t even blink. “No. Define strange.”

“A lot of winks and smiles. A few thumbs-up and a slap on the     back.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. That’s every day     around here.”

Now that he said it out loud, he realized Tanya had a     point.

“You have a visitor waiting for you,” his assistant said as she     walked past him.

Matthew frowned and glanced at his phone but there was no     reminder. “I don’t remember anything about that on the schedule.”

“She’s not on the schedule,” Tanya said over her shoulder. “As     if that would stop her.”

Curious, Matthew peeked inside the office suite and froze when     he saw Doris Brown waiting for him. She sat primly in her chair, arms crossed     and staring him down over the rims of her eyeglasses.

Her look of disappointment set off alarms in his head. It was     probably nothing. She may be upset about the proposed walking trail being named     after one of their most prominent citizens, or she wasn’t happy with her     next-door neighbor’s yappy dog. “Good morning, Miss Doris,” he said with his     most charming smile. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”

Her glare deepened. “You are a sneaky one, Little Matty     Stone.”

“I don’t know what you mean.” It had to be about the kiss. But     why would that require a visit? Just a week ago she was encouraging him to flirt     with Sydney. “Why don’t we go into my office?”

Doris Brown’s eyes lit up. “Yes, definitely. I would like to     check some things out.” She rose from her seat and grabbed her oversize bag     before Matthew ushered her inside his office.

The older woman stood in the middle of the room with her fists     planted on her hips. She pursed and twisted her mouth as she studied every inch.     “A view of the town square.”

“Mmm-hmm.” Matthew walked around his desk and gestured for     Doris to sit.

She ignored his offer and frowned as he sat down. “Red leather     chair.”

“It came with the office.” He knew the mayor’s office was     supposed to impress visitors, but he found the decor too grand and     old-fashioned.

“Messy desk, just as she described it,” Miss Doris murmured as     she stared at the stacks of files on his desk.