Page 12 of Let Them Talk

Isabel scoffed at that proclamation. “Sure it did.”

“And I didn’t write it in Victorian times,” Sydney explained.     “I took your advice and wrote it as if it was happening in today’s     Seedling—” her voice got softer “—with someone from Seedling.”

“You didn’t.” Isabel’s eyes widened with dismay.

Laura leaned forward, her arms resting on the book cart. “Did     you name names?”

“No.” But that decision wouldn’t be enough to hide Matthew’s     identity. “I called him X but it’s not going to take much to figure out who it     is. I described him in detail.”

“Is it Matthew Stone?” Laura asked.

Sydney gasped as her heart gave a jolt. “How did you know     that?”

“I see how the two of you are when you’re together,” Laura     said. “You light up when he’s around. And he kind of gravitates toward you. It’s     more than the fact you are hot for each other. You and Matthew enjoy each     other’s company.”

“Oh, then everyone who reads the diary is automatically going     to assume that Matthew is my lover.” Sydney shoved her hands in her hair as the     panic fluttered inside her. “The rumors are going to fly. I’ll lose my job.”

Isabel placed her hand on Sydney’s arm to comfort her. “Matthew     isn’t going to be upset,” the librarian insisted. “He’s used to these kinds of     rumors. He’s a good guy but he has earned his reputation as the local     lothario.”

Sydney winced. That made it even worse. Matthew wasn’t a     playboy and he was trying to prove it. After the last mayor’s sex scandal,     Matthew didn’t need rumors circulating about him before he went into an     election. She didn’t want to ruin his hard work because of some fantasies she’d     written down.

“So what is in this erotic diary of yours?” Laura asked,     propping her chin against her hand. “Neither of us got to read it.”

“ see...” Sydney found herself stumbling over     her words and felt her face turn bright red.

“Really?” Isabel drew out the word. “I hope I get a chance to     read it. Although I may never look at you the same way again.”

Sydney motioned at Isabel. “That’s my problem! You two know     this diary is fiction, but everyone else will believe I’m having a red-hot     affair with the mayor. My professional reputation will be ruined. I can’t go     through that again.”

“Again?” Isabel prompted.

Sydney squeezed her eyes shut. She hadn’t meant to let that     information slip. “It’s kind of the reason why I moved to Seedling.”

There was a beat of silence before Isabel spoke. “You have to     give us more than that.”

Sydney looked around again. She still hadn’t forgiven herself     for getting into that situation. But these women were her friends and she knew     they wouldn’t judge her.

“About a year ago I was dating a political aide. We kept our     relationship secret. I thought it was to protect what we had from our     colleagues.” She shook her head at her naivety. For ignoring her intuition. “It     turned out he was using me for his own agenda. It blew up in my face and my     reputation as a reporter was seriously damaged. No one but Wendy would hire     me.”

“Matthew wouldn’t do that to you,” Isabel said. “He might have     a reputation as a playboy but he’s really very trustworthy and honest.”

Sydney knew that was true. She had watched Matthew at every     meeting and event. She’d noticed how dignified he’d acted in difficult moments     in the spotlight or alone when he thought no one was watching. He wasn’t perfect     but his strength of character impressed her. But that didn’t mean she was     willing to take another risk with her career.

“I can’t let rumors spread that I’m romantically involved with     someone in public office,” Sydney explained as she crossed her arms tightly     against her. “My reputation is already tarnished.”