Page 11 of Let Them Talk

Sydney leaped out of the car and raced down the blocks until     she reached the diner. She barely noticed the curious stares she was receiving.     It was nothing compared to the stares she would get if someone read her     notebook! She bolted inside the diner and glanced around frantically.

“Hi, Sydney,” Laura greeted with a curious look. “Weren’t you     just here?”

“I forgot something,” she said breathlessly as she hurried     through the diner. She spotted the table where she’d been sitting and exhaled     sharply with relief when she noticed it hadn’t been cleaned yet.

“Was it your purse?” Laura asked as she followed. “You don’t     have to worry about that. It will still be there. This is Seedling.”

Sydney didn’t see the notebook on the table or on the seats.     She crouched down and looked on the floor. Nothing. Her stomach twisted with     dread. “Did anyone find a notebook?”

“No,” Laura replied.

It was gone. Her throat closed up with panic. This couldn’t be     happening. Her erotic diary—the one that described every scandalous thought     she’d ever had about Matthew Stone—was missing.

If anyone reads it...

Sydney dragged her hands over her face. No, she wouldn’t think     about that. She just had to find it. Immediately.


THE NEXT MORNING Sydney rushed into Seedling Library. The moment she crossed     the threshold, she braced herself against the chill of the air-conditioning and     the scent of musty books. The outdated dark green carpeting muffled her     footsteps as she searched around the circulation desk for the notebook.

“Good morning, Sydney,” Doris Brown said. Sydney stopped and     saw the older woman seated at the end of a scarred wooden table. Doris’s glasses     were perched low on her nose as she flipped through a magazine.

Sydney halted her search and gave a polite smile. She had been     in a panic for the past twenty-four hours as she’d searched everywhere for her     notebook, hoping she had left it at home or at the office. But she didn’t want     to show her concern and have people start asking questions. “Hello, Miss Doris.     How are you doing today?”

“Finished reading a scorcher and now I’m trying to find     something else to read.”

Sydney frowned. “A scorcher? Really? That doesn’t sound like     something from the reading circle’s book list.”

“It’s not. Just something I...picked up.” Miss Doris’s eyes     twinkled.

“You’ll have to tell me about it sometime. Right now I’m     looking for Isabel and Laura. Have you seen them?”

Miss Doris nodded. “They went upstairs.”

“Thanks.” Sydney hurried to the stairs but paused on the first     step when she had the odd sensation she was being watched. Studied. Evaluated.     She was all too familiar with that feeling. She glanced around the library but     no one was paying attention to her. Sydney gave herself a mental shake. Losing     the notebook had made her paranoid.

She went to the second floor of the library. The high ceilings     and large windows made the building seem larger than it was. As Sydney walked     past the rows of bookshelves, she noticed very few patrons today.

She spotted Laura in the last row wearing a bold purple top and     black miniskirt. It took a moment to notice Isabel next to Laura, wearing a     white sheath dress. Sydney sagged with relief at the sight of them. She had to     confide in someone and her two friends were the only ones who would     understand.

“There you guys are,” Sydney said in a fierce whisper as she     approached them. “I really need your help.”

Laura paused in the act of shelving a book. “What’s going     on?”

Sydney glanced around to make sure no one could eavesdrop. “I     lost my fake diary. I have looked everywhere and I can’t find it.”

“Is that what you were so upset about at the diner yesterday?”     Laura asked as she continued her task of shelving books. “It’s no big deal. The     diary was just a challenge.”

“No, no.” Sydney waved her hands around. “You don’t understand.     The diary sounded very real.”