Page 27 of Yes, Captain

“Not yet. Let’s take it slow. We’ll work our way up to that.” Will hummed his agreement and shifted his weight back onto Eddie before he kissed him until they were drunk. Will couldn’t get enough of touching Eddie, of his smooth skin sliding under his fingertips as Will caressed him. “Lift your hips a little, handsome,” Eddie breathed in Will’s ear before getting frisky with his lobe and moving further south to suck on the skin under it. It was one of Will’s strongest erogenous zones—Eddie touched him there, and he was putty in his hands. But Eddie didn’t just touch Will; he owned him.

Will tried to do what Eddie had asked, but his dick was a slave to the press of their bodies and the slow grind they had going on. “Let me make you feel good too, Will.”

Will’s breath caught as Eddie played with the top of his crack. He lifted his arse, straining to get closer to him when Eddie’s cool, slick hand closed around their shafts. Will cried out from the shock and muttered, “Evil bastard.” But his complaints didn’t last long. When Eddie started stroking their lengths, his fist gripping them tightly, Will’s eyes rolled back and he arched into Eddie’s touch, pumping his hips in a slow grind. Eddie kissed him again, his tongue slipping into Will’s mouth, tasting and tormenting Will in the sweetest way while he worked them over and sent Will spinning towards an orgasm he wasn’t sure he would ever recover from.

“Oh fuck,” Will gasped as Eddie twisted his hand over the head of Will’s cock. He was right there on the edge, balls drawn up tightly and his dick throbbing. One more push of Eddie’s hand down Will’s length, and he cried out, cum shooting from Will’s cock onto Eddie’s chest in long, hard pulses. The heat of his gaze was on Will. The way Eddie watched as Will’s mind spun and ecstasy pounded his body left Will gasping for air and dizzy. Eddie kept going, kept moving his tight fist over them until Eddie arched under him, and he came hard, grunting with every throb of his dick.

Will collapsed on top of the man who’d captured his attention so completely, mashing the evidence of their orgasms together. He kissed Eddie’s salty skin, the sweat on it already cooling in the circulated air of the stateroom. Turning his face, Will pressed their lips together, their kiss lazy as they came down from their high.

“I like waking up with you,” Eddie murmured. “And not just for the orgasm.” Will hummed and kissed him again, rolling them to the side, so his head was pillowed on Will’s arm.

Barely a moment later, Will’s watch alarm buzzed, rousing Will and making Eddie jump. “What the bloody hell was that?”

Will stretched and his neck cracked. He assessed the damage—his head wasn’t hurting anymore, but the hangover from the migraine settled like a haze over him. “That’s my alarm. I need to get up. My shift starts soon.”

“What time do you finish?”

“Split shift today. I have a four-hour break, but then I’m working through the night, so I’m at the helm to dock us in Sydney. Then Felice takes over and gets us ready to depart again.”

“That is so freaking sexy hearing you say that,” Eddie murmured, shifting to lean his chin on his steepled hands, propped up on Will’s chest. “Use my room to get ready in; it's closer. I’ll get us some breakfast.”

Will looked up and down the corridor as he let himself into Eddie’s suite. He wasn’t ashamed to be going in there, but it did feel strange walking into another person’s private space. Looking around, Will could see Eddie had made the room his own—books were stacked up on one of the shelves, and a tablet sat on the nightstand. He had photos pinned to the walls—probably his family and friends. As much as he wanted to, Will didn’t stop to look at them, instead slipping into the bathroom and stripping down. Being naked in Eddie’s space, even without him there, was oddly intimate. His body wash, shampoo, and conditioner sat on the shelf in the shower, and Will placed his next to them, taking a mental snapshot of the bottles as the water warmed. He rushed through his shower and oiled his beard before dressing and dashing back to his suite.

He let himself back into the room to find Eddie curled up with his pillow, fast asleep. Tea and breakfast sat on the desk, waiting for Will. He ate quietly, trying not to wake up Eddie, his iPad staring at him. Will owed both his parents a video call, but he’d been putting it off. His mum was oddly perceptive—she’d know he was crazy for someone the moment he thought of Eddie and the goofy smile appeared—and his dad could read him like an open book. They would know he’d met someone the moment they spoke, but as excited as he was about the potential for their relationship, he and Eddie weren’t exactly at the “meet the parents” stage. It was a little like the HR Director finding out. That hadn’t turned out how he’d planned either, but there was no going back now.

Will resolved to make time to talk to them during the split in his shift later that day.


The early dinner service on the first night of the cruise was beginning, and both the buffet and the dining hall would be filling up. After that, people would either head for the show, the casino, or the pool deck to watch the twilight movie. Will’s shift was only getting started, having taken over from Felice after she had guided the ship out of the headlands forming the entry to Sydney Harbour. High cliffs rose out of the water on either side of them, and the imposing naval bases marked the last signs of land for a full day and two nights’ sailing.

It was one of the few times during the year that the cruise did exactly the same route back-to-back, but the crew loved it. The islands in the South Pacific were paradise, and Will was looking forward to having a day off. The trade-off for the double shift he had to pull to make it happen was worth it. Felice’s favourite place on earth was Mare. She loved the island and its people and always wanted to spend as much time onshore as possible. They were able to arrange their schedules so that Will worked when they were docked at Mare, and Felice would reciprocate when they arrived in Lifou.

If only Will could coordinate the same day off with Eddie, made infinitely more difficult when Eddie didn’t set his own schedule.

The rest of his shift passed in a blur. Coffee kept him alert enough to do his job, but by the end of the day, Will was more than ready to hand over to Felice. She looked as fresh as a daisy when she stepped up to the console he’d been staring at for hours. The hangover from the migraine was still niggling at the back of his brain, and he needed sleep to banish it.

“All quiet on the home front,” Will mumbled to her, rubbing his eyes as he stepped away from the monitors.

He didn’t even have the energy for a shower. Will had eaten the dinner served up to him on the bridge the night before and two of his three meals that day, and all he wanted to do at that moment was fall into bed.

Naked, Will fell, face first, onto the sheets and drew Eddie’s pillow to him again. He couldn’t help but think about the conversation he’d had with his mum during the break between his shifts.

“Will! Hi, baby,” she said when he’d dialled her. His mum was big and buxom and had a personality to match. He loved her spark. She cocked her head and furrowed her brow. “Is that bruising on your lip? Did you cut it?”

“Yeah, but it’s not too bad. Just a small cut.” He fingered the scab on his lip and shrugged. “No big deal.”

His ma pursed her lips but took the hint to change the subject. “How are things on the high seas?”

“Very calm at the moment. The ship is barely swaying.” He paused, then smiled like the love-sick fool he was. He couldn’t help it when he thought of Eddie, and that’s what his mum really wanted to know—whether he was enjoying himself and still loving every second of commanding this beautiful ship. “It’s good, Mum. Really good. I met someone.”

Her features lit up, a smile spreading across her face. Clapping her hands excitedly, she laughed and said in a rush, “You’ve met someone! Tell me everything. Who is he? How did you meet? Is he cute? Is he good in bed?” She frowned. “Is he a passenger?”

Will laughed at that. “No, he’s not a passenger. I rarely even get to see passengers, and you know that it’s prohibited. Anyway, he’s staff, but this is his first assignment, so we only met at the beginning of the last cruise.” Will furrowed his brows. “Feels like a lot longer than that though.”

“In a good way?” his ma asked, cautious now.

“Yeah, the best.” He smiled, knowing he looked like a complete sap. “We clicked straight away. He’s funny and gorgeous and really sweet, but sassy too. I feel like even though we’re still learning about each other, he gets me.”